Create Templates for Desks and Workspaces

To create booking templates for "hoteling" (desks and workspaces), do the following:

  1. Configure the following elements of space as needed:

    Consider using a naming convention or Configure Areas that groups workspaces and desks together in lists so they are easier to find during the configuration and booking processes. 

  2. Once you have set up space, you can establish special booking templates for hoteling. Follow the workflow for building an Everyday User template.

    See Also: Everyday User Process Template Field Definitions.

  3. Enable the template for your users in the Everyday User Application Settings section:
    • Select Enable for Web App to enable the template on EMS Web App.
    • Select Enable for Mobile to enable the template for the mobile version of EMS Web App.
    • Select Enable for Outlook to enable the template for the optional EMS for Outlook add-in, which can override booking rules such that users can book a room that is in conflict. For this situation, you can also configure a system-generated email to be sent to the user if any rooms are not available for dates booked.  An additional tab becomes available if you create a template with the option enabled, Outlook Conflict Email.
    • Select Enable Integration to Microsoft Exchange to enable the template for Microsoft® Exchange when your organization does not use EMS for Outlook.
  4.  Browse through additional tabs as needed on the template configuration page to add further customizations, such as Booking Rules, Defaults, Rooms, and Event Types. Then click OK to save your new template.

    Authorized users will see this option when they begin the booking process.


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