Configure Rooms

When you define rooms in your organization, you enable Everyday Users to choose from a list of rooms. They can filter the rooms by elements including name, location, type, setup, available services, and physical features.

The Room Configuration Wizard is ideal to configure multiple rooms at once, when they should have the same configuration: room type, setup hours, teardown hours, features, and setup type. For instructions on using the wizard, familiarize yourself with the process of defining rooms in this topic.

  • Check if the room was already configured.

  • Edit an existing room to add more detail, or configure a new one from scratch. 

  • To define the room in detail, navigate the tabs on the Room configuration page.

  • (Optional) Specify the pricing for the room during this process or price it later. 

This topic guides you in configuring a single room. After you configure everything else under the Configuration > Facilities menu, room configuration is where everything comes together.

ClosedConfigure a Room

Yo must specify the room code, the room name, the room classification, and the Building that contains the room.

  1. On the EMS Desktop Client menu bar, click Configuration > Facilities > Rooms
  2. In the fields along the top, enter any of the following criteria to narrow the list of rooms below or to set basic information for a new room configuration:
    • Building
    • Classification – leave the default value of (all), or select a specific room classification.
    • Room Type – leave the default value of (all), or select a specific room type.
    • Filter – keyword search that is case sensitive, characters must be in correct order.
  3. To perform these tasks, click the buttons on the right of the Room Configuration page:
    • New – create a new room from scratch.
    • Edit – modify an existing room.
    • Delete – delete an existing room.
    • Print
    • Copy – use an existing room to configure a new room.
    • Pricing  – specify the pricing for the room or price it later. 
    • Wizard – opens the Room Configuration Wizard, ideal to configure multiple rooms simultaneously.
    • Import – Import rooms from a tab-delimited file into a building, area, or view that you select.
  4. On the Room tab, enter the information for the new room.

Below are the fields on the Room tab.


Room Code

Required. Abbreviated text that conveys the room name or description. This limits to a maximum of 20 characters including spaces. For example, if a room is named Conference Room 100, then a code for the room could be CONF100.

Room Name

Required. The name of the room. This limits to a maximum of 50 characters including spaces.


Select a room classification.

Setup Hours

Teardown Hours

Establishes the default setup and teardown hours for the room. They are automatically added to the beginning and end of the event time the user specifies in the Reservation Wizard or in EMS Web App. A user can override these values in the Reservation Wizard.

Book Sequence

Determines the order in which the rooms are listed in the Reservation Wizard for a standard or best fit room search and in the Reservation Book. Enter a zero for the first room to be listed. Rooms are ordered from lowest to highest sequence number, with the room with the lowest sequence number being displayed first.

If you leave the book sequence set to zero for all rooms, then rooms are sorted numerically by room code, and then alphabetically.


Room type. Leave the default as none, or select a room type from the list.

If a room type is not listed, you can configure it.


Required. If you selected a single Building when setting criteria, this field carries over that value. You can change it.


Leave the default as none, or select a floor from the list.


Enter the internal account that should be credited with the room rental revenue.

If an account is not listed, you can configure it.


The phone number associated with the room.


Optional field used for integration with an HVAC system.


The website address for a web page that provides more information about the room.


Typically used to enter the square footage of the room.

No. of Room Cards


Indicates how many copies of the Room Cards report should be printed for this room when the report is run. Typically, you want one copy for each entry door. If you do not want a room card to print, enter a zero. 

This controls whether you can generate QR codes for this room.


Available only in EMS Desktop Client - Academic Planning. Set an academic property on the room.

External Reference

Links the room to an outside program.

Requires Check In

Requires bookings within this room to be checked-in to beginning at a certain number of minutes prior to the Booking Start Time. 

Allow Check In

You can choose the time you allow users to check into their booking prior to the event start time. You can leave this as 0 or enter a number of minutes. This field is not available unless you check Require Check In.

Minutes Prior to Booking Event Start

Determines how far in advance Everyday Users can check into their meetings.

Everyday User Application Settings

Available to Everyday Users

Leave selected if events scheduled in the room should display to all Everyday Users.

For a booking to appear on Browse Events, the event type, status and room for that booking all have to have Display to Everyday User (DEDU) settings enabled. If one of these properties is not DEDU-enabled, the booking will not appear on Browse Events in the EMS Web App.

Hide Group

Select to hide the name of the Group that booked an event in the room in the Browse Event tooltip.

Display Alert to Everyday Users

Select to display alerts that were configured for the room when an Everyday User schedules an event in the room.

Prompt for Billing Reference


Users can see the Billing Reference field during the booking process when this parameter is set at either the reservation, room, or category level.

Whether the Billing Reference field displays is based on four settings: global, template, room-level setting, and category-level setting. The booking template setting overrides the global setting. The room and category level settings can both override the template setting.

After the Admin decides whether to display the field, user entries will be validated based on the value in the 'Billing Reference Validation' parameter set on the template.


Leave blank to add the room as an active room. Select to inactivate the room.

  1. If the room is a Combo room, then see Configure Room Types. Otherwise, continue to the subsequent procedures in this topic.
  2. Click OK.

ClosedEnter Notes or Alerts for a Room

  1. On the Room Configuration page, select the Notes tab.
  2. Enter one or more of the following:


Text that provides information about the room.

These notes don't get included in printed confirmations for events scheduled in the room.

Confirmation Notes

These notes get included in printed confirmations for events scheduled in the room.


Text that provides additional information or description about the room. This text displays when an EMS user schedules an event in the room, and also if Display Alert to Everyday Users is selected for the room, when an Everyday User schedules an event in the room.

  1. Click OK.

ClosedConfigure a room for EMS for Google Calendar

  1. Navigate to the Google Integration tab.
  2. Enter the Google Room Mailbox that is associated with this room.
  3. Click OK.

ClosedConfigure calculations for a room

  1. On the Room Configuration page, click the Calculations tab to link predefined calculations to the room so they are always included in billings for it.

  2. Select the calculation(s) you want to link to the room in the Available list and use the arrow keys (>, <) to move to the Selected list.
  3. Click OK.

ClosedConfigure pricing for a Room

  1. On the Room Configuration page, click the Pricing tab to link the room to predefined pricing methods so these are used for billing.
  2. For each Rate Schedule, select the Pricing method, which determines the cost for reserving the room. 

    If a rate schedule is not listed, you can configure it.

Pricing Methods

Pricing Method


Half Day/Full Day (Event Time)

The total number of hours for the event is counted and compared to the number of hours in the Hours column.

If the total number of hours for the event is less than or equal to the hours in the Hours column, then the Half Day price is charged for the room. If the total number of hours for the event is greater than the hours in the Hours column, then the Full Day price is charged for the room.

Half Day/Full Day (Reserved Time)

The total number of hours for the Reservation, that is, event time and reserved time is counted and compared to the number of hours in the Hours column.

If the total number of hours for the Reservation is less than or equal to the hours in the Hours column, then the Half Day price is charged for the room. If the total number of hours for the Reservation is greater than the hours in the Hours column, then the Full Day price is charged for the room.

Hourly (Event Time)

Multiplies the price by the event time in hours for the booking. You can use this price together with an initial flat fee and as minimum and maximum fees.

Hourly (Reserved Time)

Multiplies the price by the reserved time in hours for the booking. You can use this price together with an initial flat fee and as minimum and maximum fees.

Hourly (Specific)

Multiplies the price by the number of hours when adding a room to a booking.


The price is applied to the room, regardless of the event time or reserved time for the booking.

  1. After you select a Pricing Method, edit the amounts in the fields below.


The dollar amount used to calculate the room price for a booking. If the pricing method is Unit, then this value gets applied in total to a room, regardless of the event time or reserved time for the booking.


Use a discount with any pricing method. If you specify a discount for a room, then the actual price, the discount percentage, and the discounted amount display on confirmations and invoices.

Min. Charge

Max. Charge

Used together with the Hourly pricing methods. If you specify a minimum charge for a room, then the system compares this value to the calculated hourly rate and applies the greater of the two charges. If you specify a maximum charge for a room, then the system compares this value to the calculated hourly rate and applies the lesser of the two charges.

Flat Price

Room price stays constant regardless of the total number of hours booked for a room. Used together with hourly Event Time and Reserved Time.

Half Day Price

The dollar amount used to calculate the room price for a booking if the pricing unit is Half Day/Full Day Event Time or Reservation Time.

Full Day Price

The dollar amount that is used in calculating the room price for a booking if the pricing unit is Half Day/Full Day Event Time or Reservation Time.


Multiplier used in calculating the room price for a booking if the pricing unit is Half Day/Full Day Event Time or Reservation Time.

  1. Click OK.

You can also configure the room price on the Edit Pricing window.

ClosedConfigure setup types for a room

  1. Navigate to Room Configuration > Setup Types.

  2. Link predefined setup types to the room.
  3. For each setup type you want to apply for the room, select In Use, and in Min Capacity and/or Max. Capacity, set headcount limits. If a setup type is not listed, you can configure it. 

    If Everyday Users can request a setup type for the room, the Allow Everyday User Request option must be set to Yes. This is controlled by your Setup Type Configuration.

  4. Click OK.

After Update 30, rooms need to have the setup type configured before you can add them to the process template. Failure to configure the room's setup type results in an error when you search for rooms in the Web app .

ClosedConfigure components for a combination room

  1. Navigate to Room Configuration > Components.

    This tab is available only if you selected Combo for the room classification.

  2. Do one or both of the following:

    • In Building, select one of the following: (all) Buildings, a specific Building, a specific area, or a specific view. If a Building, area, or view is not listed, you can configure it.

    • In Room Type, leave the default value of (all), or select a specific room type. If a room type is not listed, you can configure it. As you select your search criteria, the list of rooms dynamically updates.

  3. On the Available list, press Ctrl and click to select multiple rooms that comprises the Combo room, and then Move (>) to them to the Selected list.

  4. Click OK.

ClosedConfigure features for a room

  1. Navigate to Room Configuration > Features.

  2. From the Available list, select the Feature (press Ctrl and click to select multiple features) and Move (>) to the Selected list. 

    If a feature is not listed, you can configure it.

  3. Click OK.

ClosedExclude resources for a room

This function prevents EMS Web App users from selecting an excluded resource from a room. EMS Desktop Client users receive a warning, but they can still select the resources for the room.

  1. Navigate to Room Configuration > Excluded Resources.

  2. In Category, select the category that contains the resources to be excluded from the room. 

    The resources for the selected category display in the Available list. If the appropriate category and/or resource is not available, you can configure it.

  3. Select the resource (press Ctrl and click to select multiple resources) to exclude from the room, and Move (>) to the Selected list.

  4. Click OK.

ClosedAdd Attachments to a Room

An attachment is a file that is saved with the room record. For example, you might want to add an attachment to a room record that details special considerations about the room setup. Users can see the attachments when they view room details.

  1. Navigate to Room Configuration > Attachments.

  2. Click New.

  3. Browse to find and select the attachment. 

  4. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
    • In Notes, enter a description about the attachment.

    • Click Spelling to spell check the attachment notes before you save the room.

    • You can view an attachment: select the attachment, and click View. Your EMS Desktop Client must have a software program installed to view the attachment. For example, to view a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, you must have Microsoft Excel installed on your EMS Desktop Client.

  5. Click OK.

ClosedAdd an Image for a Room

Images display as thumbnails in EMS and EMS Web App when a user views room details. The following formats are supported: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .wmf, .pdf or .png and sizes up to 615 x 350 pixels. If you attach a larger image, you might not be able to view the image without scrolling.

  1. Navigate to Room Configuration >Images.
  2. Click New.

  3. Browse for your image file.

  4. In Web App Long Description, enter an image description.
  5. Click OK.

ClosedAdd drawings for a room

drawing is a text-based or image file that is stored on your organization’s network for reference in a booking. Typically, a drawing is a setup diagram of the booking room. If the drawing is an image file, and you want users to view the image in EMS and EMS Web App when making a reservation, then associate the image with the room on the Images tab.

  1. Navigate to Room Configuration > Drawings.
  2. Click Attach.

  3. Browse for and select your drawing file.

  4. Click OK.

ClosedSet Values for User Defined Fields (UDFs) for a Room

  1. Navigate to Room Configuration > User Defined Fields.
  2. Select the UDF, and click Set Value.

    Perform this step for every UDF you want to set.

  3. In the Value dialog, enter the UDF value.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click OK.

ClosedAssign the room to an everyday user process template

By assigning a room to an Everyday User process template, you enable users to select it from Everyday Applications such as EMS Web App when they book events using the template. Learn how to Configure Everyday Users.

  1. Navigate to Room Configuration > Everyday User Process Template.
  2. On the Available list, select the everyday user template (press Ctrl and click to select multiple templates) for which the attached users can book the room, and then move (>) them to the correct Selected list.
    • Move templates for which users can reserve the room without approval that is booked into the Reserve status in EMS Web App into the Reserve pane.
    • Move templates for which users must get approval to reserve the room that is booked into the Request status in EMS Web App into the Request pane.
  3. Click OK.

ClosedConfigure Outlook TBD rooms

We recommend that you define an Outlook TBD room for each building in your database. This ensures skipped bookings in EMS for Outlook remain in the correct timezone and allows for localized notifications and reports to be created around meetings without locations. Learn how to Resolve Booking Conflicts in EMS for Outlook.

  1. On the EMS Desktop Client menu bar, click System Administration > Tools > Create Missing Outlook TBD Rooms

  2. Select one or more buildings you want to create a TBD room for.
  3. Click Create.

    A TBD room is now available in your list of rooms for the selected Buildings. The TBD room automatically appears as an Outlook TBD Room for the building on your Room Configuration page. You can also set a Display As name for Everyday Users.


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