Everyday User Process Template Field Definitions

This topic provides information about process template field definitions.

ClosedProcess Template Tab




Read-only information.


Determines how a user can make a reservation in EMS Web App.

Request – users can complete a simple online form requesting a room. Unlike the Self Serve mode, this mode does not allow the user to view real-time room availability. In addition, requests must be reviewed, approved, and manually processed into actual reservations by an EMS Desktop Client user. The room does not show as Reserved until this step has occurred.

The Request mode is for guest users. If you upgrade to EMS V44 from an older version, any roles that were defined in Request mode will be set to inactive.

Self Serve – Registered users can see real-time room availability (in list or grid views). 

If users require video conferencing, you must choose this option.

Service Only Request – Users can request a service (for example, catering, A/V equipment, and so on) for a location that's not managed in EMS.

Menu Text

The menu text or link that a EMS Web App user sees when requesting a room using this everyday user process template.

Available to New Users

Select this option if this everyday user process template is to be automatically assigned to newly registered users.

Reserve Status

Available only for Self Serve mode. The default status that is applied to reservations that are booked in rooms identified as 'reservable' on the Rooms tab.

Request Status

Available only for Self Serve mode. The default status that is applied to reservations that are booked in rooms identified as 'requestable' on the Rooms tab.

Conflict Status

Available only for Self Serve mode. The default status that is applied to bookings made by users attached to this template that result in a conflict (the room is already booked).

Cancel Status

Available only for Self Serve mode. The default status that is applied to bookings that are canceled by users who are attached to this template.

Rule Violation Status

Enabled only if Outlook is selected. Used in conjunction with the EMS for Outlook module. If you carry out an action in the EMS for Outlook module that violates a booking restriction, then the booking is changed to this status.

Default Setup Type

The setup type that is selected by default for a room search when a user who is attached to this template is reserving a room in EMS Web App. The user can always select a different value.

Allow user Personalization

Select this option if users must be able to use the Options feature to customize their settings on EMS Web App pages.

Menu Sequence

Enter a number that indicates the order in which this menu option is relative to other menu items that fall under the same parent menu. Items are ordered from lowest to highest sequence number, with the item with the lowest sequence number appearing first.

If you leave the sequence set to the default value of zero for all menu items, then by default, the items are displayed alphabetically.

Video Conference

Select this option if the users who are attached to this template must be able to request rooms that have a video conferencing feature.

This option is available only for EMS Enterprise. It is not available for EMS Professional. To use the Video Conference option correctly with a everyday user process template, the Self Serve Mode must be selected for the template.

Enable for Web App

Select this option if this process template should be available on EMS Web App.

Enable for Mobile

Select this option if this everyday user process template is to be available (in an appropriate format) on a mobile device browser.

Enable for Outlook

Enables the everyday user process template for use with the EMS for Outlook module.

Enable Integration to Microsoft Exchange

Enables the integration of templates with your organization's Exchange server (typically, when your organization does not use EMS for Outlook. Enabled only if your organization has purchased the optional Integration to Microsoft Exchange module.

With this option, you can decide for each process template, whether the template is connected to Exchange. Then, users who are attached to this template can see the free/busy schedules of the attendees. The user can choose a date and time that is convenient for all attendees and then send invitations through EMS Web App, which attendees receive and can manage through Outlook.

ClosedAdditional Tabs for Booking Template Configuration 

This section provides an overview of the additional tabs on the Booking Template Configuration page.

Booking Rules Tab

You can use the Booking Rules tab to control very specific timing on how users can book, cancel, or end events.  

The Booking Rules tab contains two areas:

Booking Rules Tab: Booking Requirements Area 



Max. No. Bookings Allowed Per Reservation

Maximum number of bookings that a new reservation can contain.

Max. No. Minutes Allowed

Maximum number of minutes for which a new reservation can be created (not enforced when a user edits a booking).

Use Cancellation Cutoff Time

Whether the booking has a cutoff when cancellations can no longer be made.

Cutoff Time and Number of Days control how far in advance the cutoff is set. For example, if you enter 3 p.m. and one day, then cancellation must take place before 3 p.m. on the day before the event.

Cancellation Cutoff Hours

The number of hours before an event when cancellations can be made.  For example, if you enter 24, then bookings cannot be canceled less than 24 hours before they are to take place, regardless of the time of day. If using this setting, clear the Use Cancellation Cutoff Time field. 

Cancel Booking in Progress

Allows users to cancel events in progress. If selected, the Cancel Booking in Progress Status option is enabled. Use this field to specify a status to display on this type of cancellation (configured separately). See Configure Statuses.

Cancel Booking in Progress Status

Sets the status for bookings that are canceled when in progress.

End Booking in Progress

Allows users to end in-progress bookings early, which makes the space available to other users.

Booking Rules Tab: Booking Days Area 

You can use the Booking Days area to indicate how far into the future bookings can be made and how much lead time is required to make a booking.  

Fields change depending on your initial selections in Range of Days and Specific Date. The second dropdown menu sets the lead time requirement and you must select a date in the Only Allow New Bookings After This Date field.



Specific Date




If you select Specific Date, then you must specify a value for Only Allow New Bookings Prior to This Date to dictate the future range.

Only allow new bookings within Range of this Many Days – Set a date in this field if you want bookings to only be allowed after this date.

Use New Booking Cutoff Time – Enter the cutoff time and number of days at which point you want to require the Everyday User to submit bookings by that time and number of days.

New Booking Cutoff Hours – Enter a value in this field if you want new bookings to only be accepted after the number of hours indicated.

Range of Days





Selecting this option from the first dropdown means the user will only be allowed to make bookings within a range of days. You must also specify a value for Only Allow New Bookings within Range of This Many Days, and you must also indicate a cutoff time or cutoff hours as you did for cancellations

Only allow new bookings within Range of this Many Days – Set a number in this field to allow bookings within the number of the days specified (e.g.: 365 would allow an everyday user to create bookings within 365 days).

Max No. Bookings Per Day – Number of bookings allowed within 24-hour period.

Max No. Bookings Per Date Range – Number of bookings allowed within Range of Days.

New Booking Cutoff Hours – Enter a value in this field if you want new bookings to only be accepted after the number of hours indicated.

Defaults Tab

You can use this tab to set the default values for Event Type, Event Name, Building, Event Time Start/End, and Time Zone to automatically populate the Room Requests page when users make reservations; users can edit them as needed. 

Event Type and Building values are pre-configured.

Video Conference Tab

You can use this tab to control how users can make video conferencing reservations. This tab is available only in EMS Enterprise and only if the Video Conference option was selected on the everyday template tab. For information on how to configure the information on this tab correctly so that assigned users make video conferencing reservations, refer Video Conferencing.

Rooms Tab

This tab enables you to associate the everyday template with specific space. To begin, specify Building (all buildings, a specific building, an area, or a view) and Room Type search criteria. These are pre-configured.

You can move one or more rooms (Ctrl-click) from the Available list to the Request or Reserve panes for this template. This controls the space that users assigned to this everyday template can book.

  • Reserve – rooms that can be reserved without approval (booked in the Reserve Status on the everyday template tab).

  • Request – rooms that require approval (booked in the Request Status on the everyday template tab).

After Update 30, rooms need to have the setup type configured before you can add them to the process template. Failure to configure the room's setup type will result in an error when you search for rooms in the Web app .

Categories Tab  

Set the preconfigured categories of services that users assigned to the template can add to their bookings by moving them from the Available list to the Selected list. These are preconfigured.

If your Administrator has configured an Attendee type category, and assigned it to the booking template, users can invite or remove attendees on the Services page.

Event Types Tab 

Set which event types users of this template can choose from during the booking process by moving them from the Available list to the Selected list, or to the Available To All everyday process Templates list. 

LDAP Groups Tab 

Assign Everyday User process templates to users based on LDAP Groups that are defined in your directory service, for example, Active Directory. Everyday user process templates that are assigned via LDAP do not need to be explicitly assigned to user records. When users log in, they “inherit” the everyday user process templates based on the LDAP groups to which they belong. To assign the one or more LDAP group, select and move them from the Available list to the Selected list. See Also: LDAP Authentication.

User Defined Fields Tab  

Control the behavior of your implementation's customized fields for this template by moving one or more from the Available pane to the Required or Optional panes. These fields are preconfigured. See Also: Configuring User Defined Fields (UDFs).

Parameters Tab  

This tab enables you to control how this everyday user process template is affected by parameter settings. 

  • To edit the value for a parameter, select the parameter, and then click Edit.

  • To reset the value for a parameter to its default global value, select the parameter, and then click Use Global.

The billing parameter, Billing Reference Validation, includes a special option that affects whether users are prompted to enter billing and PO information and whether they are validated.

Users will see the Billing Reference field during the booking process parameters are set at either the reservation, room, or category level. Whether the Billing Reference field displays is based on four settings: global, template, room-level setting, category-level setting. The booking template setting overrides the global setting. The room and category level settings can both override the template setting. After the Admin decides whether to display the field, user entries will be validated based on the value in the "Billing Reference Validation" parameter set (above) on the template.

Billing Reference field options:

  • Show (Prompt)

  • Require

  • Validate (Show and Require)

  • Don't Show

Additionally, the Billing Reference Validation parameter will always determine whether it is optional, required, or required and validated. 

Help Text Tab  

This tab enables you to control the help text that displays to users when they are using this template. By default, help text items inherit their settings from the global Help Text list. You can use the list of help text items on the Help Text tab to override the settings for this template.

  • To edit the value for a help text item, select the item, and then click Edit.

  • To reset the value for an item to its default global value, select the item, and then click Use Global.

Menu Text Translations Tab  

This tab enables you to control how your EMS Web App translations appear to users of this template. You only need to provide information on this tab if a foreign language translation has been defined for everyday templates. For each translation shown here, you can click in the Text field and enter the appropriate translation for the menu text (the menu text or link that an EMS Web App user sees when requesting a room using this everyday user process template).

Terms and Conditions Tab  

You can use this tab to set your template to require that its users agree to special Terms and Conditions before submitting reservations. In the text area, you can create a Terms and Conditions message that presents when a user selects a room.

  • Design (selected by default) means you use the standard Windows plain text formatting options to format the message (spacing, number of lines, capitalization, and so on).

  • HTML means you use HTML code to format the message (spacing, number of lines, capitalization, and so on) to format your Terms and Conditions.


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