Configure Public Views

A public view, or view, is a grouping of specific rooms that you configure. You use views to organize rooms within one building or across multiple buildings in a manner that makes sense for your organization. For example, you might create a view that includes only the training rooms across all your locations, or you might create a view to manage heavily used conference rooms within a building. A room can be part of multiple views. A user can select a view for changing the information that is displayed in the Reservation Book or for searching for rooms in the Reservation Wizard. A view can also be useful for running reports.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Facilities > Public Views

    The Public Views window opens. This window lists all the views that are configured in your EMS database.

  2. Click New

    The View dialog opens.

  3. In Notes, enter information about the view.

    If you want EMS Web App users to have read-only access to the view, select Available to Everyday Users.

  4. In Description, enter a description (maximum 50 characters, including spaces).
  5. If you want EMS Web App users to have read-only access to the view, select Available to Everyday Users.
  6. Open the Rooms tab. 
  7. Enter any combination of the following search criteria:
  8. On the Available list, select the room (Ctrl-click to select multiple rooms) you want included in the view, and then Move (>) to the Selected list.

    Click Spelling to spell check the view description before you save the view.

  9. Click OK.


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