Assign Process Templates to Everyday Users

You can assign everyday user process templates to a user.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Everyday ApplicationsEveryday Users.

    The Everyday Users window opens. 

  2. In Find, search for the user to whom you want to assign Everyday User process templates. Enter at least the first three characters of their user name or email. 

  3. Further narrow your search results by:

    • Group Type

    • City

    • Status

    • Process Template

  4. Click Display.

  5. Select the user and click Edit

  6. In the Everyday User edit window, select Process Templates

  7. To assign process templates to an Everyday User, use the arrow button to move them to the right side.

    Your selections appear in the EMS Web App as available booking options under My Templates.

  8. Click OK.


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