Configure Areas

An area is a particular region of indefinite boundary used to group buildings. You can use an area as search criteria in EMS and EMS Web App, in reporting. When you configure an area, specify the buildings to include in the area.

You can configure areas only in EMS Enterprise. You cannot configure areas in EMS Professional.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Facilities > Areas

    The Areas window opens. This window lists all the areas that are currently configured in your EMS database.

  2. Click New

    The Area dialog opens.

  3. In Area, enter a name or description for the new area (50 character maximum, including spaces).

  4. In Notes, enter information about the area.

    For EMS Web App users to be able to see and filter by this area, select Available to Everyday Users.

  5. Open the Buildings tab, and on the Available list, select the building (Ctrl-click to select multiple buildings) you want included in the area, and then Move (>) to the Selected list.

    You can click Spelling to spell-check the area description before you save the area.

  6. Click OK


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