Import Rooms

You can import rooms from a tab-delimited file into a building, area, or view that you select. After you import rooms, you must edit the configuration (setup type, features, images, and so on) for each room. Learn about Room Import File Specifications.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > FacilitiesRooms

    The Rooms window opens.

  2. In Building, select a specific building, a specific area, or a specific view into which to import the rooms.

    If a building, area, or view is not available, you can configure it. Learn about  Configuring BuildingsConfigure Areas, or Configure Public Views.

  3. Click Import

    A dialog opens, indicating the number of rooms that you are about to import and asking you if you want to continue.

  4. Click Yes

    A success message opens.

  5. Click OK.
  6. For each room that was imported, select the room on the Rooms window, and then in the Room dialog, click Edit to open the Room.
  7. Edit the room configuration as needed. 


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