Configure Buildings

A building is a physical location that contains one or more spaces that users can reserve for an event. Buildings are one of the core data items that you must configure so users can make reservations in EMS.

ClosedConfigure a Building

  1. On the EMS Desktop Client menu bar, click Configuration > Facilities > Buildings

    The Buildings window opens. It lists all the buildings configured in your EMS database.

  2. Click New

    The Building configuration dialog opens on the Building tab.

  3. Enter the information for the building using the subtopics in this topic.

    By default, when you configure a building, the building hours are set to Open All Day. To change these hours, see Configuring Building Hours. Only the building name, the building code, and the time zone are required fields. All other fields are optional and can be configured at a later date.




    Required. The name of the building (maximum 50 characters, including spaces).

    Building Code

    Required. Abbreviated text that conveys the building name or description (maximum 20 characters, including spaces). For example, if a building is named the Conference Building, then a code for the building could be CONF.


    Free-form text that provides any additional information or description about the building.


    The web address of a web page that provides more information about the building (for example, Google Maps).

    Print Notes on Confirmation

    Include the building notes in any confirmations that are printed for events that are scheduled in the building.

    Time Zone

    Required. Select the time zone in which the building resides.

    If you configure buildings in EMS Enterprise, select a unique time zone for each building. If you configure buildings in EMS, all buildings must belong to the same time zone.


    Select the currency to be used for pricing all rooms in the building. See Configure Currencies.

    External Reference

    Links the building to an outside program.

    Cost Per Sq. Ft./Meter Per Yr.

    Building cost. Used on the Room Utilization report.

    Annual Operating Hours

    Total number of hours that the building is open during a calendar year. Used on the Room Utilization report.


    Relates to geofencing in the EMS Mobile App.


    Relates to geofencing in the EMS Mobile App.

  4. Continue with other configuration for the building in this topic. Otherwise, to close the Building dialog, click OK.

ClosedRestrict a Building to Specific Categories

To restrict specific categories to specific buildings:

  1. On the Building Configuration dialog, select Categories.

    The Available to All Buildings list in the lower right pane displays all the categories that are always available to all buildings and you cannot edit this list. You can also link buildings and categories when you configure categories.

  2. Select the categories you want to be available for use in the building, and then use the arrow buttons (<,>) to move them to the Selected list.
  3. Continue with other configuration for the building as needed.

    Click OK. The newly configured building displays in the window.

ClosedAssociate an Image With a Building

Images display as thumbnails when an Everyday User views details about a building. You can associate an image with a building. The image must be one of the following formats: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .wmf, or .png. The size should not be larger than 615 x 350 pixels. If you attach a larger image, you might not be able to view the image without scrolling.

  1. From the Building Configuration dialog, click the Images tab.
  2. To have an image of the building display to Everyday Users when viewing building details, click New.

    The Find Image dialog opens.

  3. Browse to and select the image. 

    The Find Image dialog closes. You remain on the Images tab with an entry for the image displayed on the tab.

  4. In Web App Long Description, enter a longer building description.

    The value that you enter here defines the “long desc” attribute.

  5. Continue with other configuration for the building.
  6. Click OK.

ClosedSet Values for the User Defined Fields (UDFs)

The UDF fields are used to flag details associated with a building for reporting purposes. These fields are typically used when integrating with other systems.

  1. From the Building configuration dialog, click the User Defined Fields tab.
  2. For each UDF that has been defined for the building, select the UDF, and then click the Set Value button.

    The Building Manager dialog opens.

  3. Continue with other configuration for the building as needed.
  4. Click OK.

ClosedSpecify Unregistered Attendee/Visitor Behavior

Front-desk users can check in visitors, print badges, access visitor lists, and run reports with Visitor Management. The values that you set on this tab are used when a new visitor checks into your building. 

  1. From the Building configuration dialog, click the Visitor Management tab.
  2. Enter the information for the new unregistered attendee.



Select an Attendee type category.


The Override room that is booked for the unregistered attendee’s reservation.

Typically, you would want to book an Override room named something such as Other Space, Unregistered Space, or so on.


The status used for an unregistered visitor’s/attendee’s reservation.

Event Type

The event type that is used for the unregistered visitor’s/attendee’s reservation.

Typically, you would want to use an event type named something such as Unregistered Visitor and Unregistered Attendee. 

Event Name

The event name that is used for the unregistered visitor’s/attendee’s reservation.

You can include the variable for Group Name (the name of the group that the visitor/attendee is seeing) in the subject line as described in the Legend. For example, “Unregistered Visitor for%1%” would result in “Unregistered Visitor for Academic Affairs” being displayed in the subject line.

End Time

The booking for the unregistered visitor/attendee is created from the current time until the end time that you specify.

  1. Continue with other configuration for the building.
  2. Click OK.

ClosedAudit Tab

The Audit tab provides information about your configuration, including the date/time the configuration was originally created, when it was last modified, and by which user.


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