Room Configuration Wizard

The Room Configuration Wizard enables you to configure multiple rooms at one time. These rooms should have the following properties in common:

ClosedUsing the Room Configuration Wizard

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > FacilitiesRooms

    The Rooms window opens.

  2. Click Wizard

    The Room Configuration Wizard opens, with the Features tab in the Items pane active.   

  3. Select the common properties for all the rooms that you are configuring and enter the appropriate values.

    • Room Type – configure room types that aren't listed
    • Floor – configure floors that aren't listed

    • Account – configure accounts that aren't listed
    • Default Setup Type – configure setup types that aren't listed
    • Setup Hours and Teardown Hours – establish the default setup and teardown hours for the room, which are automatically added to the beginning and end of the event time that user specifies in the Reservation Wizard or in EMS Web App.

      You can override these default values in the Reservation Wizard.

    • Available to Everyday Users – displays events scheduled in the room in EMS Web App

    • Active – marks room as active
    • Prompt for Billing Reference – prompts for a billing reference when a room is selected for a booking
    • Requires Check In – requires bookings within this room to be checked-in to beginning at a certain number of minutes prior to the booking start time.
    • If you configure a room in EMS Academic Planning, then Academic Space is also a common property that you can configure.

  4. If you want the events scheduled in the room to display in EMS Web App, select Available to Everyday Users.
  5. If these rooms are to be active (available immediately for booking events), select Active.

  6. Click Next

    The Room Configuration Wizard appears.

  7. Enter any combination of search criteria, by Building and Room Type
  8. On the Available list, select the room (Ctrl-click to select multiple rooms) to be configured, and then Move (>) to the Selected list.
  9. Click Finish
  10. Click OK

ClosedConfigure Features for Multiple Rooms 

  1. In Room Configuration Wizard > ItemsFeatures select Features for rooms that should all have the same features.
  2. On the Available list, select the feature (Ctrl-click to select multiple features) you want the rooms to have. If features are not available, you can configure them.
  3. If any of the rooms that you select for configuration have existing features and you want to drop these existing features and apply only the new features, select Overwrite Existing. Otherwise, the new features are appended to the list of existing features.
  4. Continue with other optional configuration for the room.
  5. To continue, click Next

ClosedExclude Resources for Multiple Rooms 

  1. In Room Configuration Wizard > Items > Excluded Resources tab, select the category that contains the resources to exclude. 

    The category’s resources display in the Available list.

  2. On the Available list, Ctrl-click to select multiple resources you want excluded from the rooms.
  3. If any of the rooms you select for configuration have existing resources and you want to drop these existing resources and apply only the new resources, select the Overwrite Existing checkbox. Otherwise, the new resources are simply appended to the list of existing resources.
  4. Click Move (>) to move the selected resources to the Selected list.
  5. Continue with other optional configuration for the room. Otherwise, click Next to continue.

ClosedConfigure Common Setup Types for Multiple Rooms 

  1. Select Room Configuration Wizard > Items > Setup Types
  2. If any of the rooms you select for configuration have existing setup types and you want to drop them and apply only the new setup types, select the Overwrite Existing Setup Types and Capacities check box. Otherwise, the new setup types get added to the existing list.
  3. For each applicable setup type, select In Use, and then use Min. Capacity and/or Max. Capacity to set headcount limits for the setup type.
  4. Continue with other optional configuration for the room. Otherwise, click Next to continue. 

ClosedConfigure Common UDFs for Multiple Rooms 

  1. Select Room Configuration Wizard > Items > User Defined Fields

    All UDFs that have a type of Room display on the tab.

  2. If any of the rooms you select for configuration have existing UDFs with set values and you want to drop them and apply only the new values, select Overwrite Existing. Otherwise, the new values are appended to the existing values list.
  3. For each UDF you configure for the room, do the following:
    1. Click Set Value to open a Value dialog.

      • Enter the value for the UDF in the Value field, and then click OK.
    2. Click Clear Value to clear the value associated with the UDF.
  4. Continue with other optional configuration for the room. Otherwise, click Next to continue. 


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