Configure Calculations

Calculations are additional charges that can be applied to billable items (a category, a group, a group type, a resource, or a room) such as gratuity or sales tax. Both pricing methods and calculations determine the final cost for a billable item. Unlike pricing, which is applied when a billable item is reserved (and retained, even if the price for the item later changes), calculations are figured each time a confirmation or an invoice is generated. When you configure a calculation, you must specify the rate for the calculation, the calculation sequence (the order in which the calculation is carried out relative to other calculations), and the minimum charge for the calculation. You must also indicate whether the calculation should be carried out on the base amount or on a running total, and whether the result of the calculation should be added to the base amount and then considered in subsequent calculations.


For example, consider the following four calculations for a base amount of $1,000.00:


Calculated on

Calculation Result

Running Total

  • Gratuity 10%
  • Calc Sequence = 1
  • Calc on Base = Yes
  • Calc Incl in Tot = Yes




  • Sales Tax 5%
  • Calc Sequence = 2
  • Calc on Base = No
  • Calc Incl in Tot = Yes




  • State Tax 5%
  • Calc Sequence = 3
  • Calc on Base = Yes
  • Calc Incl in Tot = No




  • Federal Tax 10%
  • Calc Sequence = 4
  • Calc on Base = No
  • Calc Incl in Tot = No




Total Calculations:


Grand Total (Base + Calculations):


After you configure calculations, you can assign the calculations to a category, group, group type, resource, or room.

ClosedConfigure Calculations

Video: Create a Calculation

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Billing > Calculations.

    The Calculations window opens. This window lists all the calculations configured in your EMS database with an Active status.

    To show all calculations, regardless of status, under Show, click Inactive.

  2. Click New

    The Calculation dialog opens.

  3. Enter the information for the new calculation.




    The name or description for the calculation (maximum of 30 characters, including spaces).


    Optional. The account within your internal accounting system that should be credited with the revenue.

    If an account is not available, you can configure it.


    The currency symbol that is used to display the results of the calculation.


    The percentage for the calculation rate, for example 5%.


    The order in which multiple calculations are to be carried out.

    This value is critical when multiple calculations are to be carried out and the order of the calculations affects the resulting value.

    Minimum Charge

    Optional. The minimum charge to apply to a billable item for which this calculation applies.


    Include in Total

    • Both Base and Include in Total selected – The calculation is carried out on the original base amount. The result of the calculation is added to the current running total to make a new running total. The result is also added to the grand total (Base + All Calculations) that is current at the time that the calculation is carried out.
    • Only Include in Total selected – The calculation is carried out on the current running total and the result of the calculation is added to the current running total to make a new running total. The result of the calculation is also added to the grand total (Base + All Calculations) that is current at the time that the calculation is carried out.
    • Only Base selected –The calculation is carried out on the original base amount. The result of the calculation is added to the grand total (Base + All Calculations) that is current at the time that the calculation is carried out.
    • Neither Base nor Include in Total selected – The calculation is carried out on the current running total. The result of the calculation is added to the grand total (Base + All Calculations) that is current at the time that the calculation is carried out.


    Leave this option blank to add the calculation as an active calculation. Select this option to inactivate the calculation.

  4. Click OK

ClosedAssign Calculations 

After you configure a calculation, you can assign the calculation to a category, group, group type, resource, or room.

You also have the option to assign calculations to a category, group, group type, resource, or room at the time that you configure the category, group, group type, resource, or room. The advantage to assigning a calculation after you configure it is that you can assign the calculation to multiple items in a single step.

Video: Assign and Remove a Calculation

  1. Click Configuration > Billing > Calculations

    The Calculations window opens.

  2. Click Assign

    The Assign Calculations dialog opens.

  3. In Calculation, select the calculation that you are assigning.
  4. In Assign To, select the item (category, group, group type, resource, or room) to which you are assigning the calculation.

    Item Selected



    A list of categories configured in your EMS database display. If you assign a calculation at the category level, then the calculation is assigned to all resources that are configured for the category. To assign a calculation to a specific resource in a category, then select Resource on the Assign To field.


    A list of all groups that are currently configured in your EMS database is displayed. Two additional fields display

    • Group Type
    • Starts with

    Optionally, select a Group Type and/or enter a search string in the Starts with Field to filter the list of displayed groups.

    Group Type

    A list of all group types configured in your EMS database display.


    A Category field opens. Select a category for the resource. A list of all resources configured for the selected category in your EMS database display.


    A Building field opens. Select a building. A list of all the rooms that are configured for the selected building in your EMS database display.

  5. On the Available list, select the item, or Ctrl-click to select the multiple items to which the calculation is being assigned, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected items to the Selected list.
  6. Click Close


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