Configure Profiles in EMS Room Sign App

In the EMS Room Sign App (formerly named EMS Glance), you can customize how information displays at the Global level (the default for all Profiles) or for just one Profile (as described in this topic).

This topic outlines how to:

Access Display Settings for Just One Profile

  • From the Configuration menu on the EMS Desktop Client, select Room Sign.
  • The Room Sign menu shows the options for Deregister Device, Global Settings, Profiles and Room Sign Settings.
  1. On the EMS Desktop Client toolbar, click EMS Glance Settings.

     The EMS Room Sign App settings area displays. 

    By default, all settings for the profile are initially defined by the global settings. You can override these settings for a profile or reset all the settings to their default values.

  2. Select Profiles and click Open.

    The Profiles window lists all the defined profiles by name. You can create new profiles, edit existing profiles, or delete profiles.

Create a New Profile

  1. On the EMS Desktop Client toolbar, click EMS Glance Settings to access the EMS Room Sign App settings area. 

  2. Select Profiles and click Open.

  3. Click New.

    The Profiles window opens where you can configure profile settings through the following tabs: Profile (the tab that opens by default), Rooms, Editable Event Types, Settings, and Audit tabs.

Name Your Profile

  1. Navigate to the Profile dialog > Profile tab.

  2. Name your profile from the Profile tab.

Add or Delete a Room from Your Profile

  1. Navigate to Profile dialog > Rooms tab. 

    The Rooms tab displays all the rooms that can be added to the profile (the Available list) and the rooms that are currently selected for the profile.

  2. To add or delete rooms for a profile on this tab, select the room to be added or deleted and click the Move (<, >) buttons.

    For 28 or earlier, you should deregister your device from the room before you delete the room from the profile. EMS Desktop Client does not automatically deregister a device when you delete a room from a profile. If you have already deleted a room and you did not deregister the device first, you will need to access the database to deregister the device and free up its license.

    For Update 29 or later, when you delete a room from a profile, the software automatically deregisters your device from the room, which frees up the license. The software also automatically deregisters your devices when you delete a profile.

Add an Event to Your Profile

  1. Navigate to Profile dialog > Editable Event Types tab.

  2. The Editable Event Types tab displays all the event types that can be added to the profile (the Available list) as well as all the event types that are currently selected for the profile. This tab controls which bookings (via event types) are editable in the EMS Room Sign App.

Configure a Setting for the Profile

  1. Navigate to Profile dialog > Settings tab.

  2. The Settings tab displays the configuration setting for the profile.

    By default, all settings for the profile are initially defined by the global settings. You can override these settings for a profile or reset all the settings to their default values.

Delete a Profile

When you delete a profile, the software automatically deregisters your devices from the rooms in the profile. The software also automatically deregisters your devices when you delete individual rooms from a profile (see Add or Delete Rooms).

  1. On the EMS Desktop Client toolbar, click EMS Glance Settings.

    The EMS Glance window opens.

  2. Select Profiles and click Open.

  3. In the Profiles window, select the profile you want to delete and then click Delete.

  4. In the Verify Delete confirmation window, click Yes.

    The profile is deleted and no longer appears in the list on the Profiles window.

Secondary Authentication

Users can quickly authenticate in the EMS Room Sign App with their work badge. For users without a badge, secondary authentication is necessary. You can configure a Forgot my Badge button that allows for this secondary authentication.


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