Global Settings for the EMS Room Sign App

This topic provides information on the Global Settings available in the EMS Room Sign App (formerly named Glance):

Global Settings

Global settings affect the booking detail information that is displayed for all the profiles in your EMS Room Sign App instance. You can set how information displays at the Global level (defaults for all Profiles) or for just one profile.

You can override these settings on a per profile basis in Profile > Settings tab.


Display Heading 1


None/Booking Setup Type/Contact Name/Event Name/Event Type/Group Name


Display Heading 2


None/Booking Setup Type/Contact Name/Event Name/Event Type/Group Name


Display Heading 3


None/Booking Setup Type/Contact Name/Event Name/Event Type/Group Name


Event Type for Private Booking

Configure event types in Configuration > Other > Event Types.


The value entered in this Event Type field will display the event as PRIVATE on the EMS Room Sign App. Additionally, the Group/Host will not be displayed.

For example, if "Conference" is entered into the Event Type for Private Booking field, any event booked as a CONFERENCE event type will display as PRIVATE on the EMS Room Sign App.

Status for Private Booking

Configure statuses in Configuration > Administration > Statuses.


The value entered in this Status field will display the event as PRIVATE on the EMS Room Sign App. Additionally, the Group/Host will not be displayed.

For example, if "Confirmed" is entered into the Status for Private Booking field, any event booked with a CONFIRMED status will display as PRIVATE on the EMS Room Sign App.

Activate Check‑In Button ### Minutes Before Booking Start Time

The "Check In" Button will activate at whatever value of minutes is put in this field.


If the value is 15, the Check In button will appear 15 minutes before the event start time of the booking.

Automatic Cancellation Interval

The Booking will cancel if customer has not checked in at whatever value is put in this field.


If the value is 15, the booking starts at 9 a.m. If the customer has not checked into the EMS Room Sign App by 9:15 a.m., the booking will automatically cancel at 9:15 a.m.

Default Cancel Reason for Canceled Booking

Configure Cancel Reasons in Configuration > Other-Cancel Reasons.


Because canceled bookings and reasons for canceling can be reported on, EMS Customers sometimes want a default reason to be associated with any bookings that gets canceled from the EMS Room Sign App.

Default Status for Canceled Booking

Configure Statuses in Configuration > Administration > Statuses.


Allows users to choose a default "cancel" status when canceling a booking from the EMS Room Sign App.

Display Check-In Button

Determines if Check In Button will display. Check In Button will display XX minutes before Booking Event start time based on "Activate Check in Button XXX minutes before Booking Start time. If room is not configured for Check in, even if parameter is set to YES, Check In Button Will not Show.


Activate Check In Button ### Minutes before Booking Start Time. Room Must be configured for Check In.

Enable Automatic Cancellation

If a user has not checked in, the room will be automatically canceled.

  1. Set the Automatic Cancellation interval.
  2. Set the Default Status for the canceled booking in the Default Status for Canceled Booking setting.
  3. Set Display Check in Button to YES.
  4. Set the Activate Check In Button ### Minutes before Check In.
  5. Configure Room for Check In.

Allow Extend Booking (available for Updates 32 and higher)

Scenarios: If this parameter is set to...

  • Standard Bookings – the Extend button will be displayed for bookings that are not calendar-enabled or created on a VC template and that are not configured with setup and teardown times. Selecting Extend will extend the booking time by the number of minutes configured in EMS Room Sign App settings (typically 15 minutes).
  • Standard + Bookings with Setup and Teardown – Extend button will be displayed for standard bookings with or without setup and teardown times. Selecting Extend will extend the meeting time and the teardown time by the number of minutes the meeting was extended.
  • Standard + Calendar-Enabled and VC Bookings – Extend button will be displayed for all standard bookings and all calendar-enabled bookings or bookings created on a VC template; however, the Extend button will not be displayed for bookings with setup and teardown times. For calendar-enabled bookings, selecting the button will only affect the current location, not other booking locations tied to the reservation. For bookings created on a VC template, selecting the button will extend the meeting in the current location regardless of the Host. The Exchange or Google appointment will not be updated upon extend.
  • All Bookings – Extend button will be displayed for all booking types. Selecting Extend will extend the meeting time, and the teardown time if applicable, by the number of minutes configured in EMS Room Sign App settings (typically 15 minutes).
Bookings with teardown times will not display the Extend button. Users cannot extend a booking that has an Exchange mailbox tied to the room (EMS Exchange Room Integration booking). For EMS Exchange Room Integration bookings, the button used to extend the booking is disabled (grayed out).
  • No (Extend button will not display)
  • Standard Bookings (Default)
  • Standard + Calendar Integrated and VC Bookings* Calendar Integrated Bookings and VC Bookings include both Exchange and Google Calendar bookings.
  • Standard + Bookings with Setup/Teardown
  • All Bookings

*If the parameter, Group Bookings by UTC times and keep together on Video Conference Reservations, is set to YES, changes to any booking via the EMS Room Sign App or EMS Desktop Client will cascade changes to all bookings in the reservation. To prevent this, set this parameter to NO.

1-Number of Minutes to Extend Booking.

2- Event type of booking must be an "editable" event type as selected on the EMS Room Sign App profile.

Allow Edit Booking (available until Update 29)

If set to NO, "Adjust" and "End" Buttons will not be displayed.

Both label names can be changed.


1-Number of Minutes to Extend Booking.

2-Event type of booking must be an "editable" event type as selected on the EMS Room Sign App profile.


Allow End Booking (available for Updates 30 and higher)

Scenarios: If this parameter is set to...

  • Standard Bookings – clicking End Now will change the end time to the current time. For example, ending a meeting scheduled for 1:00 p.m. MT to 2:00 p.m. MT at 1:15 p.m. will change the end time to 1:15 p.m.
  • Multi-room Bookings – clicking End Now will only affect the current room, not any other rooms in the reservation. For Multi Location PAM bookings, there is no parameter to control this behavior; therefore, editing one booking will update all other locations.
  • VC Exchange Bookings – clicking End Now will end the meeting in the current location regardless of the Host.
  • Setup/Teardown – clicking End Now will move the teardown time to the current time.
    No notifications will be triggered by this change.
  • No (No End Now button will display)
  • Standard Bookings (Default)
  • Calendar Integrated and VC Bookings* (also includes Standard Bookings). Calendar Integrated Bookings and VC Bookings include both Exchange and Google Calendar bookings.
  • Bookings with Setup/Teardown (also includes Standard Bookings)
  • All Bookings

*If the parameter, Group Bookings by UTC times and keep together on Video Conference Reservations, is set to YES, changes to any booking via the EMS Room Sign App or EMS Desktop Client will cascade changes to all bookings in the reservation. To prevent this, set this parameter to NO.

1-Allow End Booking.

2-Event type of booking must be an "editable" event type as selected on the EMS Room Sign App profile.

Number of Minutes to Extend Booking



Typical setting is 15.

Ensure you Allow Booking Edit.

Require Authentication to Extend Booking in Progress

If set to YES, user will need to authenticate in order to extend booking in progress.


The audit train in the EMS Desktop Client displays whatever is listed in the web config file.

Default Group for No/Manual Identification

This will be the Group that the booking is associated with if Group Identification Parameter is set to "No Identification" or "Manual Identification."


Group Identification Method - if "No Identification" or "Manual Identification" is selected.

Default Numeric Keyboard for Group Identification

If set to YES, a numeric keyboard will appear when a user touches the Group Identification field.


Enable Everyday User Process Template Security

When set to YES, this setting requires the user to have access to the room from at least one of their everyday user templates, or the room must be in the unauthenticated user process template. If the person trying to book the room from the EMS Room Sign App does not have access to the room in one of their templates, a message will be displayed as "room not available."


Group Identification/Authentication field must be set to "Web User Email/Password" and Group ID/Authentication Method must be set to "Authentication with Password."


Also applies to badge authentication. Group Identification/Authentication field must be set to "badge Number" and Group ID/Authentication Method must be set to "Authentication without Password."

Group Authentication Field

See Combination Table.

Group Authentication Method

See Combination Table.

Group Identification Method

See Combination Table.

Include City on Group/Contact Lookup Screen



If your organization stores employees at the Contact level in EMS, then select Contact.

Obfuscate External Reference Field

This will prevent clear text from showing up when using a badge reader.



Secondary Authentication Group Authentication Field

  • External Reference
  • Group/Contact
  • E-mail
  • Network ID
  • Other ID
  • Personnel Number
  • Web User E-mail/Password

Secondary Authentication Group Authentication Method

  • Group
  • Contact

Secondary Authentication Group Identification Method

  • Authentication With Password
  • Authentication Without Password
  • Group Lookup
  • Manual Input
  • No Identification

Use Secondary Authentication Type for Badge Authentication

Only set to YES if authentication is set to Badge; for users who forget their Badge, a secondary authentication method exists.


Group Authentication Field must be set to Badge.

Allow End Booking

With this parameter setting, an End Now button will appear for Calendar-Integrated bookings and Video Conference (VC) bookings from the EMS Room Sign App.


If set to NO, the End Now button will not be displayed.

  • No
  • Standard Bookings (Default)
  • Calendar Integrated* and VC Bookings
  • Bookings w/ Setup and Teardown
  • All Bookings

*Calendar Integrated bookings include both Exchange and Google Calendar bookings.


"Apply" Button Label




"Attendees Greater Than Zero" Message

Number of Attendees must be greater than zero.



"Attendees Maximum Capacity Violation" Message

Number of Attendees is higher than the room's maximum capacity.



"Attendees Maximum Capacity Violation" Message

Number of attendees is higher than the room's maximum capacity.



"Attendees Minimum Capacity Violation Message

Number of attendees is lower that the room's minimum capacity.



"Attendees Required" Message

Number of Attendees is required.


"Attendees" Label




"Authenticate" Button Label




"Authenticate Username" Label



"External Reference"

"Authentication" Screen Label




"Available" Label




"Cancel" Button Label




"Check In" Button Label



"Check In"

"Close" Button Label




"End Confirmation" Message



"End this meeting?"

"End Time Required" Message


"End Time is Required"

"End Time" Label


End Time

"End Time" Less Than "Start Time" Message

End time must be later than the start time.


"End" Button Label



"End" Screen Label



"Event Name" Required Message


"Event name is required."

"Event Name" Label


Event Name

"Extend Booking" Button Label



"Group Name Required" Message




"Client Name is required."

"Group" Label




"Maximum Number of Minutes Violation" Message

Message that indicates booking exceeds minutes allowed.


"Booking exceeds minutes allowed."

"No Events" Message

(Portrait View Only)

Message that indicates there are no events for the current date.


"There are no events today."

"No Matching Groups" Message

Message that indicates there are no matching groups.


"No Matching Clients found."

"OK" Button Label  



"Password" Label




"Private Booking" Label

Indicates a private meeting.


"Private Meeting"

"Reserve" Button Label




"Room Booked Successfully" Message

Message that indicates a room has been booked successfully.


"Room booked successfully!"

"Room Not Available" Message

Message that indicates a room is not available.


"Room Not Available."

"Search" Button Label




"Secondary Authentication Password" Label




"Secondary Authentication Username" Label


"Secondary Authentication" Button Label


"Start Time Required" Message


"Start Time"


"Time exceeds 24 hours" Message


"Time in Past" Message


"Verify" button


End "Yes" Button Label


Room Label Format


Background URL

Leave blank to use the default EMS Glance background image. To change, specify a fully qualified URL to the image location. See Supported logo and background image sizes.


Device Polling Interval

Interval in minutes device polls the EMS database for booking information (e.g., new, changed, canceled) bookings. EMS Room Sign App randomizes calls to the EMS database by +/- 20 seconds to ensure that all of your devices aren’t polling for information at identical times.

0.5 minutes


Hardware Enclosure

Select the Hardware Enclosure your organization is using.



Logo URL

Leave blank to use the default EMS Glance background image. To change, specify a fully qualified URL to the image location. See Supported logo and background image sizes.


PIN to access Settings Screen

Once the EMS Room Sign App is running on your device, double-tap the EMS Glance logo in the upper-left hand corner of the screen re-accesses the Settings screen. This setting requires the user to enter a PIN.



Allow Booking Now


Allow Book Now and Book Later


Default Duration for New Booking


60 minutes


Default Name for New Booking



Default Event Type for New Booking

Event Types are configured in Configuration > Other > Event Types.




"Walk-up Meeting"

Default Minute Increment



"15" minutes

Default Reservation Source for New Booking

Reservation sources are created in Configuration > Other > Reservation Sources.


Room Sign


Default Set Up Count for New Booking (0-25)


1 count

Default Status for New Booking

Statuses are configured in Configuration > Administration > Statuses.



Display Event Name for New Booking (Default Event Name must have a Value to Hide Event Name)

If set to NO, when a user attempts to create a booking from room sign, no Event Name field will be displayed.


Default Name for New Booking

Display Setup Count for New Booking (Default Setup Count must have a value greater than zero to hide Setup count)

If set to NO, when a user attempts to create a booking from room sign, no set up count field will be displayed.



Default Set Up Count for New Booking

Maximum Number of Minutes for New Booking



"60" minutes

Require Event Name for New Booking

If you set this parameter to YES, and set the Display Event Name for New Booking to NO, you must populate the Default Name for New Booking with something.


Default Event Name, Display Event Name for New Booking

Allow Calendaring Integration This parameter is available in the New Booking area. If it is set to Yes and there is an Exchange license, Room Sign App will send the invite to Exchange and an email for the 1:1 group or a default organizer with an email. Yes/No Yes by default

EMS Room Sign App Combination Scenarios

these Fields . . . with these OPTIONS . . .

Group Authentication Field = Badge Number

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Group Look Up

User must type in part or all of Group Name and Group Look will take over.

Allows users to End without Look Up.

Allows users to Adjust without Look Up.

Group Authentication Field = Badge Number

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication Without Password

User is prompted with a message to "Swipe badge to continue."

N/A (Users cannot book without a Badge.)

N/A (Users cannot book without a Badge.)

Group Authentication Field = Badge Number

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication With Password

User is prompted to authenticate, not "SWIPE Badge to continue." User must manually input badge number.

User receives message to Authenticate, not Swipe Badge. User manually inputs badge number.

User receives message to Authenticate, not Swipe Badge. User manually inputs badge number.

Group Authentication Field = Badge Number

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Manual Input

Allows a user to manually type in a name but pulls the Group from the setting "Default Group for NO/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.

Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Badge Number

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = No Identification

No Group name is requested or displayed. The Group name pulls from the setting, "Default Group for NO/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.


Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = External Reference

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication With Password

User must input external reference; no password is required.

Users must input external reference.

Users must input external reference.

Group Authentication Field = External Reference

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication Without Password

User must input external reference; no password is required.

Users must input external reference.

Users must input external reference.

Group Authentication Field = External Reference

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Group Look Up

User must type in part or all of Group Name and Group Look will take over.

Allows users to End without Look Up.


Allows users to Adjust without Look Up.

Group Authentication Field = External Reference

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Manual Input

Allows users to manually type in name. However, the Group will default to what has been set as "Default Group for No/Manual Identification." 

Allows user to End without a Group Input.

Allows users to Adjust without Group Input.

Group Authentication Field = External Reference

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = No Identification

No Group name is requested or displayed. The Group name defaults to what is set as "Default Group for No/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.

Allows users to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Group Contact E-mail

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication With Password

User must input the Group's email address or contact; no password is required.

User must input email address of Everyday User.

User must input email address of Everyday User.

Group Authentication Field = Group Contact E-mail

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication Without Password

User must input the Group's email address or contact; no password is required.

User must input email address of Everyday User.

User must input email address of Everyday User.

Group Authentication Field = Group Contact E-mail

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Group Lookup

User must type in part or all of Group Name and Group Look will take over.

Allows users to End without Look Up.

Allows users to Adjust without Look Up.

Group Authentication Field = Group Contact E-mail

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Manual Input

Allows users to manually type in name. However, the Group will default to what has been set as "Default Group for No/Manual Identification." 

Allows user to End without a Group.

Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Group Contact E-mail

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = No Identification

No Group name is requested or displayed. The Group name defaults to what is set as "Default Group for No/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.

Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Network ID

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authenticate With Password

User must input Network ID of Group.

Must input Network ID of Group.

Must input Network ID of Group.

Group Authentication Field = Network ID

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authenticate Without Password

User must input Network ID of Group.

Must input Network ID of Group.


Must input Network ID of Group.


Group Authentication Field = Network ID

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Group Look Up

User must type in part or all of Group Name and Group Look will take over.

Allows user to End without a Look Up.

Allows user to Adjust without a Look Up.

Group Authentication Field = Network ID

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Manual Input

Allows users to manually type in name. However, the Group will default to what has been set as "Default Group for No/Manual Identification." 

Allows user to End without a Group.


Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Network ID

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = No Identification

No Group name is requested or displayed. The Group name pulls from the setting, "Default Group for NO/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.


Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Other ID

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication With Password

User must input Other ID of Group.

Must input Other ID of Group.

Must input Other ID of Group.

Group Authentication Field = Other ID

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication Without Password

User must input Other ID of Group.

Must input Other ID of Group.

Must input Other ID of Group.

Group Authentication Field = Other ID

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Group Look Up

User must type in part or all of Group Name and Group Look will take over.

Allows users to End without Look Up.


Allows users to Adjust without Look Up.

Group Authentication Field = Other ID

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Manual Input

Allows users to manually type in name. However, the Group will default to what has been set as "Default Group for No/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.

Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Other ID

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = No Identification

No Group name is requested or displayed. The Group name pulls from the setting, "Default Group for NO/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.


Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Personnel Number

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication With Password

User must input Personnel Number; no password is required.

User must input Personnel Number of Group.

User must input Personnel Number of Group.

Group Authentication Field = Personnel Number

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication Without Password

User must input Personnel Number; no password is required.

User must input Personnel Number of Group.

User must input Personnel Number of Group.

Group Authentication Field = Personnel Number

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Group Look Up

User must type in part or all of Group Name and Group Look will take over.

Allows users to End without Look Up.

Allows users to Adjust without Look Up.

Group Authentication Field = Personnel Number

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Manual Input

Allows users to manually type in name. However, the Group will default to what has been set as "Default Group for No/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.

Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Personnel Number

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = No Identification

No Group name is requested or displayed. The Group name pulls from the setting, "Default Group for NO/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.

Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Web User Email/Password

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication With Password

User must input the Everyday User's email address and password.

User must input the Everyday User's email address and password.

User must input the Everyday User's email address and password.

Group Authentication Field = Web User Email/Password

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Authentication Without Password

N/A (User must use Authentication With Password.)

N/A (User must use Authentication With Password; user will receive message stating, "No matching X found."

N/A (User must use Authentication With Password; user will receive message stating, "No matching X found."

Group Authentication Field = Web User Email/Password

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Group Look Up

User must type in part or all of Group Name and Group Look will take over.

Allows users to End without Look Up.

Allows users to Adjust without Look Up.

Group Authentication Field = Web User Email/Password

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = Manual Input

Allows users to manually type in name. However, the Group will default to what has been set as "Default Group for No/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.

Allows user to Adjust without a Group.

Group Authentication Field = Web User Email/Password

Group Authentication Method = Group

Group Identification Method = No Identification

No Group name is requested or displayed. The Group name pulls from the setting, "Default Group for NO/Manual Identification."

Allows user to End without a Group.

Allows user to Adjust without a Group.


(missing or bad snippet)