EMS Room Sign App Installation

The EMS Room Sign App was formerly named EMS Glance. Some of the installation files such as API and DLL might retain the Glance name. 

The EMS Room Sign App should not be installed in the same virtual directory as other EMS web-based products OR under a site running another version of the EMS Room Sign App.

ClosedInstall the EMS Room Sign web application

  1. Download the EMSGlance.msi file onto the web server that will be running the EMS Room Sign App web application.

  2. Run EMSGlance.msi.

    The EMS Room Sign App Setup Wizard opens. 

  3. Click Next

    The Destination Folder page opens.

  4. Select the destination folder. 

    The installation process will create a new physical directory on your web server based on the destination folder path entered (“EMSRoomSignApp” in the example above.) 

  5. Click Next.

    Do not install the EMS Room Sign App in the same physical directory as other EMS web-based products OR under a site running another version of EMS Room Sign App.

  6. When the EMS SQL Server Database Settings page opens, enter your EMS SQL Server name and your EMS Database name in the appropriate fields. Click Next.

  7. The Virtual Directory information page opens. The Virtual Directory Name defaults to the destination folder specified in Step 4. We recommend that you keep the default setting. The installation process will create a virtual directory on your web server based on the virtual directory entered (“EMSRoomSignApp” in the example above.) 

  8. Click Next.

    The Ready to install EMS Room Sign App page opens.

  9. Click Install.

    The Completed the EMS Room Sign App Setup Wizard page opens. 

  10. Click Finish

ClosedInstall or upgrade the EMS Room Sign App DLL

On each client machine that needs access to the EMS Room Sign App Settings area, complete the following based on whether the install is local or web deploy: 

  • Local Install – paste a copy of the EMS.Glance.dll file into the folder that contains your EMS application files (typically C:\Program Files\EMS).

  • Web Deploy Install – enter the EMS.Glance.dll in the following location: 

Once the EMS.Glance.dll is placed in the correct folder on the client machine (assuming your organization is appropriately licensed for the EMS Room Sign App), the EMS user will see the EMS Glance Settings button on the tool bar within the EMS application.

To update your registration, obtain a new license file and import into the EMS Desktop Client. Select System Administration > Settings Registration.

ClosedSet a launch pin

  1. Open a browser and enter the URL to your EMS Room Sign App web application.

  2. If this is your first time accessing the site, select a profile and room.

    Each individual profile can be protected with a passcode. The first landing page does not have a passcode set by default.

  3. Modify the web.config file to set a Launch Pin.

    Setting this value (which is blank by default), will force users to enter a code the first time they browse to the EMS Room Sign site. To set the Launch Pin key in the web.config file, do the following:

    1. Navigate to the Room Sign App web directory.

    2. Open the web.config file for editing.

    3. In the web.config file, locate key="LaunchPin" and enter a value for the Launch Pin key.

    4. Save the web.config file.

ClosedRegister EMS Room Sign App on your devices

The EMS Room Sign App is ready to use once all of the components have been properly installed and at least one Profile has been configured for use (Refer Configure the EMS Room Sign App).

Each EMS Room Sign device is tied to one specific room in EMS. Therefore, each room you register to a device will count against your available licenses. If you get an error about exceeding your license count, you will need to deregister unused devices to free up licenses.

  1. Ensure that you have configured the profile that you want to associate with the device.

  2. On your device, open a browser and enter the URL to your EMS Room Sign App web application:

    Example: http://[ServerName]/EMSGlance
    (replace [ServerName] with the name of your web server)

    The first time you access the EMS Room Sign App on your device, the Settings page opens.

  3. In Profile, select the profile .

  4. In Room, select the room .

  5. Click Apply.

Once the EMS Room Sign App is running, to re-access the Settings page for any reason, double-tap the EMS Room Sign App logo.

ClosedDeregister EMS Room Sign App on your devices

Each EMS Room Sign device is tied to one specific room in EMS. Therefore, each room you associate with a device counts against your available licenses. If you get an error about exceeding your license count, you will need to deregister unused devices to free up licenses.

When you delete a profile, or when you delete a room from a profile, the software automatically deregisters the devices associated with the profiles or rooms.

If you are not using the latest version of EMS Room Sign App, you might need to refer to one of the sections below for additional instructions.

  1. On the EMS Desktop Client toolbar, click EMS Glance Settings.

  2. In the EMS Glance window, select Deregister Device and click Open.

    The Deregister Device window opens.

  3. In Profile, select the profile associated with the device you want to deregister.

  4. From the list of rooms, select the room associated with the device you want to deregister.

  5. Click Deregister.
  1. In the Deregister Device confirmation window, click Yes.

    A success message appears.

  2. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to deregister additional devices.

  3. Click Close.

ClosedInstall or upgrade the database component

  1. Obtain the EMSRoomSignApp.sql file.

  2. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

  3. Within Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, select File > Open > File… and locate EMSRoomSignApp.sql.

  4. Select your EMS Database and execute the query (Query > Execute). 

    When query execution has completed, a success message appears in the Results section.

ClosedCreate an EMS admin user to manage your EMS Room Sign App API web service

ClosedVerify the EMS Room Sign App API installation

You do not need to verify the EMS Room Sign API installation because the API has been moved into the EMS Room Sign application and no longer needs to be installed separately.

After following the steps above, verify your API installation by opening a browser and entering the API URL:

Example: http://[ServerName]/EMSGlanceAPI/service.asmx

(replace [ServerName] with the name of your web server)

This URL will be required for the EMS Room Sign App Web Application installation.


(missing or bad snippet)