Enable Booking Check In

For an explanation of this feature, see Understand Booking Level Check In. To manage space that uses booking check in, see Manage Booking Level Check-In.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Facilities > Rooms.
  1. On the filter fields along the top, select options by which to filter the list. 

    To further narrow your list, clear the Inactive checkbox.

  2. Select the room for which booking-level check in needs to be enabled and click Edit.
  3. On the room configuration page that opens, select Requires Check In. The Minutes Prior to Booking Event Start is the amount of time before a booking in the specified room will be open for check in.

    This type of check-in can be done to multiple rooms at the same time using the Wizard on the Rooms screen.
    Anyone with access to the desktop client can check into a booking earlier than the time assigned to the room.

    Additionally, to allow Everyday Users (such as for EMS Web App, EMS for Outlook, and EMS Kiosk) to select this room during the booking process, select Available to Everyday Users in the Everyday User Application Settings section.

  4. Finish configuring the room using the tabs along the top. 
  5. To enable Everyday Users to select the room when using an Everyday User Process Template, open this tab and move the room to the Reserve and Request panes as needed.
  1. Click OK.


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