Booking Check-in

Organizations with a mobile workforce or flexible work arrangements often adopt a workspace (hoteling or hot-desking) strategy—allotting workspace on an as-needed basis to accommodate more people in less space. EMS is a facility scheduling system for managing workspace requirements, as well as the booking of meeting/event space and resources.

Sometimes meeting hosts don't use the space they reserved. In organizations where meeting space or workspace is in high demand, or when the reservation is for a significant period of time, the lost utilization of space adds up to a lot of waste. Using this feature, you can set up each room to require that the meeting host check in to the space. When the time comes to check in, the host will receive an email with a link they can click to check in.

If you have EMS Kiosk, the host can check in via the touch-screen room sign (if available). You'll also be able to set up what happens if the host fails to check in more than 10 minutes (or whatever time you want) after the meeting starts. You might want to settle for a warning—at least for the first few months—and then automatically free up the space so that someone else can use it. The result? Better use of your space and happier users.

Booking level check in helps maintain room use levels and ensure accurate space usage reports. Check in at the booking level allows users to check into a single space booking. This feature also triggers no-show notifications to free up spaces that have no check ins. To enable users to check in this way, you must first enable it for each user.

Older versions of EMS had "building-level check-in. Booking-level check-in replaced it in later versions.

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