Manage Check In

When check in is enabled for room bookings, there are many ways to check in to those bookings. Since users can check into a booking from these various methods, this calls for oversight and management of the booking. This topic guides you in managing check ins for your room bookings. 

Use the Booking Check In Dashboard 

This dashboard is where EMS administrators manage bookings and each booking's check in status.

This dashboard is separate from the EMS dashboard and replaces the separate Building Check In and Group Check-In Status dashboards that were available in older versions of EMS.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reservations > Other > Booking Check In or click Booking Check In on the toolbar.

    To add the Booking Check In icon to the toolbar, right-click the toolbar, then select Customize, and move the Booking Check In to the Show Buttons side.

    This window provides many options for EMS administrators to manage booking check in. It displays bookings and shows whether they have check ins.

  2. Use the options in the Booking Check In window to view, modify, or control check ins for each booking.

    Use the options to view, modify, and control check ins for each booking.

    Options on the Booking Check In Dashboard 




    The default value is (all), but you can select a specific Building, an area,
    or a view.

    Room Type

    The default value is (all), but you can select a specific room type.

    Event Type

    The default value is (all), but you can select a specific event type.


    The default value is (all), but you can select a specific room.


    The default value is (all), but you can select a specific floor.

    Start Date

    End Date

    The default value is the current day's date, but you can select a different

    Group Type

    The default value is (all), but you can select a specific Group type.

    Group Name

    Allows the user to search for a Group to check in to their booking.

    Not Checked In Only

    Select this option to search only for bookings that have not been checked


    Shows bookings in rooms that are set up for check in and match the filters.

    Check In

    This will check in a booking for a user that has not checked in using another method.

    End Now

    This will end a selected booking that is in progress, which will free the room up for another booking.

    Go To

    This will take the administrator to the navigator for the highlighted booking to view further information.


    This will print the information being displayed for the filters that are set above.


    This will export the information to a Microsoft Excel file.


(missing or bad snippet)