Edit a Booking in the Navigator

When you edit a booking in the Navigator, you are working with the when and where information for the event: the event time, the event location, and so on. To edit a booking, you must have the appropriate security access. For example, you cannot move a booking to a room if your EMS administrator has not granted you access to the room. Likewise, you cannot change the status for a booking from Tentative to Confirmed if your EMS administrator has not granted you access to the Confirmed status. If you cannot change a booking and you have appropriate permissions, it might be locked

Learn how to Edit Booking Detail Item Charges for Multiple Items

You can also edit certain booking information in the Reservation Book.

  1. Open the Navigator

  2. Expand the folder structure for the reservation until the appropriate booking folder is visible. 

  3. Select the booking you want to change.

    The panes on the right refresh to show information for the booking.

  4. On the Booking Summary or Properties tab, click Edit

    A message displays that shows the hours for the building that contains the selected room. If the booking has booking detail assigned to it, then This Booking has Service Orders displays.

    If you have access, you can change the status of a booking, including canceling a booking.

    • If you change the status for a booking, you can select Update Reservation Status to change the reservation-level status to match.

    • If you edit a video conference, any date and time changes you make to the booking automatically cascade to all related bookings.

  5. On the Booking tab, edit the information for the booking and then click OK

    • If you edited anything other than the date, time, or location for a booking, the Navigator shows the updated information for the booking.

    • If you cancel a booking, a Cancel Status dialog opens in which you must identify the user who canceled the booking and provide notes (for example, a cancellation reason) about the cancellation.

    • If you edited the date, time, or location for a booking, a dialog opens, warning you that critical booking information has changed and asking you if you want to continue. Click Yes. The Booking window closes and you return to the Navigator, which now shows the updated information for the booking. If you reserved a resource, a Resource Inventory Conflicts report then opens. If you close this report, you can manually run a Resource Inventory Conflict check. In the Bookings folder of the Navigator, select Tools > Resource Inventory Conflict.  


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