Edit Charges for Multiple Billable Items

You can edit resource details and their charges on individual items. You can also update the quantity, pricing method, or price of many resources at once, with the Edit Charges tool.

You can only make changes to resources that are not yet invoiced. To edit the billing information for invoiced items, first void the invoice.

  1. Open the Navigator and select the reservation
  2. In the left pane, select the Reservation or Booking-level.
  3. In the Bookings/Booking Details pane, click Tools > Edit Charges

    The Edit Charges window opens. If you selected the reservation level, then room and resource charges in all bookings display. Otherwise, only room and resources charges for the selecting booking display.

  4. To narrow the results, in Category, select a category.
  5. To change the quantity, pricing method, price, or discount percentage for an item, click in the field and make your changes.
  6. When your changes are complete, click Close

    The results automatically calculate.


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