Configure Users

Users are the people who log in to EMS Desktop Client whether they are making reservations or just using the system in a read-only capacity. When your EMS Desktop Client application is first installed, it is installed with a default user admin account with “admin” for both the User ID and password.

For security reasons we recommend that after you log in to EMS Desktop Client the first time using “admin” as both the username and password, change the account password. Ideally, you should configure an entirely new administrator account with a new username and password. You must also configure all the necessary accounts for your users, which includes assigning processes to the user account. You can create user accounts from “scratch,” or copy an existing user account, and then make the necessary edits to the account for another user. You can also export a list of all your user accounts to an Excel spreadsheet.

Instead of configuring user accounts individually, you can configure a template and then assign it all users you want to have the same security settings. Learn about Configure User Templates and Configure Academic User Templates.

ClosedConfigure an EMS Desktop Client User

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click System Administration > Security > Users.

    The Users window opens. This window lists the names and types for all users who have an account for your EMS installation with an Active status.

    To view all user accounts, regardless of status under Show, click Inactive.

    The rest of this procedure describes how to configure a user account “from scratch.” You can also configure a user account by copying an existing account. Select the user account that you want to copy, click Copy, and then continue to Step 3.

  2. Click New.

    The User dialog opens.

  3. Enter basic information for the new user and use the menu options to the left to define the user's access for each of the following: categories, processes, building configuration, room access, statuses and queries, and for EMS Campus, academic properties and processes.

    User Fields




    User's first and last name.


    Select if the user is an EMS Administrator.

    If you select this option, then only Event Properties display on the User dialog as an EMS administrative user has access to all EMS functions (categories, processes, buildings, rooms, statuses, and queries).


    The user’s initials, which are printed at the bottom of all reports as well as the date and time that the user ran the report.

    Login Section

    User ID

    The ID that the user must use to log in to EMS (20 character maximum including spaces).


    The password that the user must use to log in to EMS. The user can change this password. See the EMS Desktop Client User’s Manual.

    Network ID

    If you enter a value in this field, the user is automatically logged in to EMS based on the user’s Windows credentials without being asked to enter a user ID and password.

    Enter the network domain along with the network ID, such as DOMAIN\john.doe.

    External Reference

    Links the user account to an outside program.

    Contact Information


    The user's phone number. This value is not printed on any user correspondence.


    The user's fax number. This value is not printed on any user correspondence.

    Email Address

    The user's email. This value is not printed on any reports that the user generates; however, this is a required value if the user wants to email reports or confirmations from EMS using the SMTP email option.

    Job Information


    The user’s title.


    Any relevant user information. This information is not printed on any report.


    To add the user as an active user, leave blank. To make a user's account inactive, select this option.

    Inactive users cannot log in to EMS.

  4. Click OK.

ClosedSet EMS Desktop Client User Event Security

  1. Open the User dialog.

  2. Select Event Properties.

    The User dialog refreshes with options for the event security settings for the user.

  3. Select the event security settings for the user.

    Event Properties Field



    Event Properties Section


    If you select a template, then only the Event Properties options remain available. The categories, processes, buildings, rooms, statuses, and queries are automatically assigned to the user based on the selected user template.

    Defaults Section
      All values that you select here (Building, Status, Event Type, Event Name, Event Time, Reservation Source, and Time Zone) display by default when the user opens the Reservation Wizard to make a reservation. The user can edit any and all values.
  4. Continue with other user configuration or click OK.

ClosedSet User Categories 

You specify the categories that a user can add to a booking or edit for a booking on the Categories tab.

  1. From the User dialog, select Categories.

    The User dialog refreshes with a list of all the active categories that you can select for the user.

  2. On the Available list, select the category or Ctrl-click to select the multiple categories to which a user is to have access, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected categories to the Selected list.

    To add these categories to a booking, a user needs access to the Edit Booking Details process.

  3. Continue with other configuration or click OK.

ClosedSet User Processes 

  1. From the User dialog, select Processes.

    The User dialog refreshes with a list of processes that you can select for the user.

  2. On the Available list, select the process or Ctrl-click to select the multiple processes to which a user is to have access, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected processes to the Selected list.

    For an explanation of each process, see Overview of User Processes.

  3. Continue with other configuration or click OK.

ClosedConfigure User Building Rights

You specify the building configuration rights for a user on the Buildings tab.

  1. From the User dialog, select Configure Buildings.

    The User dialog refreshes with a list of buildings that you can select for the user.

  2. On the Available list, select the building or Ctrl-click to select the multiple buildings to which a user is to have access, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected buildings to the Selected list.

    Define and Edit Buildings and Define and Edit Rooms security processes are required for a user to have configuration access to selected buildings.

  3. Continue with other configuration. Otherwise, click OK.

ClosedSpecify User Room Access 

You specify the rooms to which a user has access on the Room Access tab.

  1. From the User dialog, select Room Access.

    The User dialog refreshes options for searching for the rooms to add to the user account.

  2. Search for the rooms to which the user is to have access by doing one or both of the following and the Available list will update with a list of rooms that meet your search criteria:

    • In Building, select (all) buildings, a specific building, an area, or a view.

    • In Room Type, leave the default value of (all), or select a specific room type.

  3. On the Available list, select the room or Ctrl-click to select the multiple rooms to which a user is to have access, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected rooms to the Selected list.

    EMS Enterprise has both the View and Book and the View Only access for user security. EMS Professional has just the View and Book access for user security.

    • View and Book – A user who has access to the Special - Edit Critical Booking Information process and who is assigned to this option can reserve the room, move an event into or out of the room, change the time or status of an event that is scheduled in the room, and add resources to events in the room.

      The Special – View and Book Access On All Rooms process can be used as an alternative to manually assigning all rooms to the View and Book list.

    • View Only – A user who is assigned to this option cannot reserve the room, move an event into or out of the room, or change the time or status of an event that is scheduled in the room; however, as long as the user has access to the appropriate category and to the Special – In the Edit Booking Details process, the user can view events in the room and add resources to events in the room.

  4. Continue with other configuration. Otherwise, click OK.

ClosedSet User Status Options

You select the statuses to which a user is to have access on the Statuses tab. A user needs access to a status to create a reservation with the status or edit a booking with the status.

  1. From the User dialog, select Statuses.

    The User dialog refreshes with a list of all the active event statuses that you can select for the user.

  2. On the Available list, select the status or Ctrl-click to select the multiple statuses to which a user is to have access, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected statuses to the Selected list.

  3. Continue with other configuration. Otherwise, click OK.

ClosedSet User Queries Option

You specify the queries that a user can run on the Queries tab.

You can specify the queries to run by user only in EMS Enterprise. All queries are available to all users in EMS Professional.

  1. From the User dialog , select Queries.

    The User dialog refreshes with a list of all the defined queries that you can select for the user account.

  2. On the Available list, select the query or Ctrl-click to select the multiple queries to which a user is to have access, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected queries to the Selected list.

  3. Continue with other configuration. Otherwise, click OK.

ClosedSet User Academic Security (EMS Campus Only) 

  1. From the User dialog, select Academic Properties.

    The User dialog refreshes with options for the academic security settings for the user.

  2. Specify the academic security settings for the user.

    Academic Security Fields




    • Domain – The domain (typically renamed to campus or school) to which the user belongs.
    • Academic Unit – The academic unit (typically renamed to academic department or division) to which the user belongs.


    The domain to which the user belongs.

    Academic Unit

    Available only if the user is assigned the type of “Academic Unit.” The academic unit to which the user belongs.


    The academic template to which the user is assigned. The template determines the academic processes to which the user has access.

  3. Continue with other configuration. Otherwise, click OK.

ClosedSet User Processes (EMS Campus Only) 

  1. From the User dialog, select Academic Properties > Processes.

    The User dialog refreshes with a list of all the academic processes that you can select for the user.

  2. On the Available list, select the academic process or Ctrl-click to select the multiple academic event processes to which a user is to have access, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected processes to the Selected list.

    Learn about the Academic Scheduling Process.

  3. Continue with other configuration. Otherwise, click OK.

ClosedExport a List of User Accounts 

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click System Administration > Security > Users.

    The Users window opens. This window lists the names and types for all users who currently have an account for your EMS installation.

  2. Click Export.

    The Save As dialog opens. The default file name is User List, file type is *.xls.

  3. You can change the file name, and save the file in a location of your choosing.


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