Overview of User Processes

When you configure a user template or a user account, you must assign one or more processes to the template or account. Each process grants a specific permission to the user. The following sections detail the event processes or academic event processes that you can assign to a user template or account, or an academic user template or account, respectively, and the permissions that are granted to the user by each process.

Before assigning processes to a user template account, read through all the processes and note the implied relationships between certain items. For example, if you plan to give a user the right to edit a booking, you must also give the user the right to open a booking.

Event Processes

Event processes are categorized according to the following:

  • Billing Processes
  • Configuration Processes
  • Inquiry Processes
  • Report Processe
  • Reservation Processes
  • Special Processes
  • Hoteling Processes (Available only in EMS Workplace)

ClosedBilling Processes


Permission Granted

Ageing Report

Run the Ageing report.

Browse Transactions

Use the Browse Transaction function.

General Ledger Distribution

Run the General Ledger Distribution report.

Invoice Detail Report

Run the Invoice Detail report.


Run the Billing Worksheet report and generate invoices.

Payments, Deposits & Adjustments

Enter payments, deposits, and adjustments.

Reprint an Invoice

Reprint an existing invoice.


Print financial statements for groups.

Transaction Report

Print the Transaction report.

Void an Invoice

Void an existing invoice.

Voided Transaction Report

Print the Voided Transaction report.

ClosedConfiguration Processes


Permission Granted

Configure Everyday User Template LDAP Groups

Shows the LDAP Groups tab in the Everyday User Process Template settings window.

This tab reveals the names of your Active Directory or other LDAP-type Groups.

Define and Edit [Configuration Item]

Add, change, or delete indicated configuration item. For example, Define & Edit Accounts provides add, change, or delete rights to the Accounts that are configured in your system.

Resource category items [Category Name]

Resource categories that you defined are also included as Configuration processes. Add, change, or delete resources from the selected categories.

Web Data Translation

Allows a user to provide translations for items on the web.

ClosedInquiry Processes


Permission Granted

Browse Reservations

Use the Browser to search for existing reservations, bookings, service orders, and resources.

Calendar Inquiry

View the Calendar Inquiry, which shows the number of bookings on each day of a month in a wall calendar-type format.

Open Reservation Book

View the Reservation Book, which displays bookings for a day, week, or month as colored bars on a room/timeline grid.

Resource Calendar Inquiry

View the Resource Calendar, which shows, on a monthly calendar, the number of times an item is reserved.


Open the Visitors browser, which lists attendees by date and identifies visitors as such.

ClosedReport Processes

Report Name

Permission Granted

< > Report

Run, review, and print the indicated report.

Define and Edit Queries

Create and edit the queries that have been created in the Query Builder.

ClosedReservation Processes


Permission Granted

Academic Import (Academic Import Module)

Run the Academic Import Utility, which you use to manually import an academic course schedule into EMS.

Attendance Entry

Use the Attendance Entry function to note the actual attendance for bookings that took place on a particular date.

Delete Attachments

Give a user the ability to delete attachments for a room record, a reservation, a booking, or a group.

Email History

Review email history.

Manage Services

Give a user access to Manage Services option on the EMS toolbar and under the Reservations menu.

Open Navigator

Open a reservation in the Navigator window.

Open Reservation Wizard

Create a single-date or series reservation using the Reservation Wizard. This process also provides read-only access to groups.


Use the Dashboard to add and manage reminders.

ClosedSpecial Processes


Permission Granted

Allow Department Selection

Select any of the defined departments when billing.

Copy Reservation

Copy a reservation, including all its bookings and details, from one date or date range, to another reservation.

Define Public Memorized Reports

Define the settings for public memorized reports.

EMS API Web Service Access

Used for optional EMS API.

Explode Combo Room

Use the Explode Combination Bookings utility, which takes the booking of combination room and breaks it down into bookings for the components of the combination room.

Edit Booking Details

Add or edit booking detail information.

Edit Critical Booking Information

Edit booking information that could cause one booking to be in conflict with another. The critical booking data items are date, reserved time, room, and status.

Edit Non-Critical Booking Information

Edit booking information that will not cause one booking to be in conflict with another (for example, the event name or the setup type and count).

Edit Pricing

Change the pricing on a booking detail item that has been reserved.

Edit Reservation Information

Edit reservation information.

View and Book Access On All Rooms

Grants rights to an EMS user for all rooms without having to explicitly provide access on the Rooms tab. This overrides any selections that have been made in the Room Access area.

Allow EMS Room Sign Administration Grants access to Room Sign App settings through the EMS Glance Settings menu button in the EMS Desktop Client. Additionally, users can access the settings for EMS Room Sign App through the Configuration menu

ClosedEveryday User Processes (Administrator and Guest Request)


Permission Granted

Define and Edit Language Translations

Define and edit language translations in EMS Web App.

Define and Edit Web Menus

Define and edit web menus, including the creation and modification of links from EMS Web Appto other web pages.

Define and Edit Everyday User Process Templates

Define users’ access to process templates that are used in EMS Web App.

Define and Edit Everyday User Security Templates

Define users’ access to security templates that are used in EMS Web App.

Define and Edit Help Text

Define and edit help text, page labels, and so on.

Define and Edit Everyday Users

Define and edit the users who have access to EMS Web App.

Web Reservations

Run the Web Reservations Browser, which displays reservations entered into your EMS database through EMS Web App.

ClosedHoteling Processes


Permission Granted

Booking Notice Statistics

Run, review, and print the Booking Notice Statistics report.

Check In Status

Run the Check In Status utility, which allows users to determine whether a group has checked in (or out) at your facility.

Check In Statistics

Run, review, and print the Check In Statistics report.

Define and Edit Reservation Wizard Templates

Add, change, or delete reservation wizard templates.

Early Check Out Report

Run, review, and print the Early Check Out Report.

Arrivals and Departures Report

Run the Arrivals and Departure report, which lists the respective arrival and departure times for each booking.

Groups With Multiple Bookings

Run, review, and print the Groups With Multiple Bookings report.

No Show Report

Run, review, and print the No Show Report.

No Show Wizard

Run the No Show Wizard.

Room Occupancy Summary

Run, review, and print the Room Occupancy Summary report.

Transition Report

Run, review, and print the Transition report.

Visitor Report

Run, review, and print the Visitor report.

ClosedAcademic Event Processes

Academic event processes are categorized according to the following:

  • Administrative Processes
  • EMS Campus Planning Interface Processes
  • CPI Configuration Processes
  • CPI Course Processes
  • CPI Inquiry Processes
  • CPI Report Processes

ClosedAdministrative Processes


Permission Granted

Administrative processes

Allow Domain Selection

Allows the user to select from all domains that are configured in the Academic planning area.

Copy Term Preferences

Allows a user to copy course preferences from one term to another.

Define and Edit Domains

Create and/or edit domains within the Academic Planning-Configuration area of EMS Academic Planning.

Define and Edit Final Exam Schedule Templates

Allows the user to create or make changes to the Final Exam Schedule template.

Define and Edit Final Exam Sessions

Allows the user to create and publish final exam sessions.

Define and Edit Optimization Scenarios

Allows the user to create and apply an optimization scenario.

Edit Terms

Allows the user to edit the mode of a term.

Manually Update SIS

Allows the user to manually push location updates back to the SIS, assuming that this has not been automated in the system parameters.

Publish/Unpublish Terms

Allows the user to publish a term and create room reservations in EMS or unpublish a term and delete room reservations in EMS.

ClosedEMS Campus Planning Interface Processes


Permission Granted

Web Administrator

Grants access to the administrative functions after the user is logged in to the EMS Campus Planning Interface client.

ClosedCPI Configuration Processes


Permission Granted

Define and Edit Academic Units

Allows the user to add or edit academic units.

Define and Edit Course Types

Allows the User to assign course types to event types.

Define and Edit Instructors

Allows the user to set the importance level of synchronized instructors.

Match Course Type/Room Types

The user can match a course type to a room type (or vice-versa) for course optimization.

Synchronize Academic Unit

User can synchronize the specified item from the SIS.

Synchronize Buildings

User can synchronize the specified item from the SIS.

Synchronize Course Types

User can synchronize the specified item from the SIS.

Synchronize Courses

User can synchronize the specified item from the SIS.

Synchronize Instructors

User can synchronize the specified item from the SIS.

Synchronize Room Types

User can synchronize the specified item from the SIS.

Synchronize Rooms

User can synchronize the specified item from the SIS.

Synchronize Subjects

User can synchronize the specified item from the SIS.

Synchronize Terms

User can synchronize the specified item from the SIS.

ClosedCPI Course Processes


Permission Granted

Add Courses

Allows the user to add new courses during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Add Sections

Allows the user to create a new section of an existing course (copy courses) during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Credit Hours

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Days of the Week

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Enrollment

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Instructor

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Notes

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Number

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Seat Fill

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Section

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Start/End Dates

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Start/End Times

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Subject

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Title

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit Course Type

User can edit the specified course detail during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Edit/Cancel Courses

User edit or cancel existing courses during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Override Time Block Patterns

User can edit the Time Block for a term during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Preassign Scenarios

User can create and run Pre-assignment optimization scenarios during Set Preferences mode or Dual mode.

Search for Rooms

User can search for rooms during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Set Preferences

User can set preferences for the course (for optimization) during Set Preferences mode or Dual mode.

Set Specific Room Preferences

User can choose a specific room in Set Preferences mode or Dual mode.

Share Space Across Domains

User can share space between two courses on different domains during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

Share/Unshare Space

User can share or unshare space between two courses on the same domain during Define & Edit mode or Dual mode.

ClosedCPI Inquiry Processes


Permission Granted

Academic Book

User can access the Academic Book.

Academic Browser

User can access the Academic Browser.

Open Course Navigator

User can open a course in the Navigator window.

ClosedCPI Report Processes

Report Name

Permission Granted

< > Report

User can run and print the indicated report.


(missing or bad snippet)