Configure User Templates

Users are the people who log on to EMS, whether they are making reservations or just using the system in a read-only capacity. Learn more about how EMS classifies different types of users

A user template defines the categories, processes, buildings, rooms, statuses, and queries to which a group of EMS users has access. Instead of defining users individually and then configuring security for each user, you can configure a template and then assign all the users who are to have the same security settings to a given template in a single step. You can configure a user template user entirely from “scratch,” or you can copy an existing user template, and then make the necessary edits to configure another template.

If the users configure are also EMS Academic Planning users, then you must also define academic user templates for these users.

ClosedConfigure a User Template

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click System Administration > SecurityUser Templates
  2. The User Templates window opens. This window lists all the user templates currently configured in your EMS database and that have a status of Active.

    To show all templates, regardless of status, under Show, click Inactive.

    The remainder of this procedure describes how to configure a user template “from scratch.” You can also configure a user template by copying an existing template. Select the user template that you want to copy, click Copy, and then continue to Step 3.

  1. Click New

    The User Template dialog opens.

  1. In Description, enter a name or description (maximum 50 characters, including spaces).
  1. Define the user access for the following: categories, processes, building configuration, room access, statuses, and queries.
  2. Click OK

ClosedSpecify Categories

You specify the categories that a user who is assigned to this template can add to a booking or edit for a booking on the Categories tab.

  1. Open the User Template dialog.
  2. Select Categories

    The User Template dialog refreshes with a list of all the active categories.

  1. On the Available list, select the category or Ctrl-click to select the multiple categories to which a user is to have access, and then click Move (>) to move the selected categories to the Selected list.

    To add these categories to a booking, a user needs access to the Edit Booking Details process.

  1. Continue with other template configuration.
  2. Click OK.

ClosedConfigure Processes

  1. From the User Template dialog, select Processes

    The User Template dialog refreshes with a list of processes.

  1. On the Available list, select the process or Ctrl-click to select the multiple processes to which a user is to have access, and then click Move (>) to move the selected processes to the Selected list.

    Learn about User Processes.

  1. Continue with other template configuration.
  2. Click OK.

ClosedConfigure Buildings

You select the building configuration rights for a user who is assigned to this template on the Buildings tab.

  1. From the User Template dialog, select Buildings

    The User Template dialog refreshes with a list of buildings.

  1. On the Available list, select the building or Ctrl-click to select the multiple buildings to which a user is to have access, and then click the Move button (>) to move the selected buildings to the Selected list.

    Define and Edit Buildings and Define and Edit Rooms security processes are required for a user to have configuration access to selected buildings and/or rooms.

  1. Continue with other template configuration.
  2. Click OK.

ClosedSpecify Room Access

You specify the room access for a user who is assigned to this template on the Room Access tab.

  1. From the User Template dialog, select Room Access

    The User Template dialog refreshes with options for searching for the rooms.

  2. Search for the rooms to add to the user template. Do one or both of the following: and the Available list will update with a list of rooms that meet your search criteria:
    • In Building, select (all) buildings, or select a specific building.
    • In Room Type, leave the default value of (all), or select a specific room type.

    The Available list updates with a list of rooms that meet your search criteria.

  3. On the Available list, select the room or Ctrl-click to select the multiple rooms to which a user is to have access, and then click Move (>) to move the selected rooms to the Selected list.

    EMS Enterprise has both the View and Book and the View Only access for user security. EMS Professional has just the View and Book access for user security.

    • View and Book – A user who has access to the Special - Edit Critical Booking Information process and who is assigned to this template can reserve the room, move an event into or out of the room, change the time or status of an event that is scheduled in the room, and add resources to events in the room.

    The Special - View and Book Access On All Rooms process can be used as an alternative to manually assigning all rooms to the View and Book list.

    • View Only – A user who is assigned to this template cannot reserve the room, move an event into or out of the room, or change the time or status of an event that is scheduled in the room; however, as long as the user has access to the appropriate category and to the Special - Edit Booking Details process, the user can view events in the room and add resources to events in the room.
  4. Continue with other template configuration.
  5. Click OK.

ClosedSpecify Statuses

You specify the statuses to which a user who is assigned to this template is to have access on the Statuses tab. A user needs access to a status to create a reservation with the status or edit a booking with the status.

  1. From the User Template dialog, select Statuses

    The User Template dialog refreshes with a list of all the active event statuses.

  1. On the Available list, select the status or Ctrl-click to select the multiple statuses to which a user is to have access, and then click Move (>) to move the selected statuses to the Selected list.
  2. Continue with other template configuration.
  3. Click OK.

ClosedSpecify Queries

You specify the queries that a user who is assigned to this template can run on the Queries tab.

You can specify the queries to run by user only in EMS Enterprise. All queries are available to all users in EMS Professional.

  1. From the User Template dialog select Queries

    The User Template dialog refreshes with a list of defined queries.

  1. On the Available list, select the query or Ctrl-click to select the multiple queries to which a user is to have access, and then click Move (>) to move the selected queries to the Selected list.
  2. Continue with other template configuration.
  3. Click OK.


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