Configure Currencies

A currency in EMS is either an abbreviation or symbol that indicates how a room or resources in a category should be charged. For example, the currency for the US dollar could be either USD or $. Because currencies are for informational purposes only and do not affect the pricing or billing of an event, configuration of these items is not required. After you configure currencies, you can assign a default value to a room’s record or a service category’s record. If a reservation is made with multiple currencies, then the billable items, the items’ prices, and the currencies used for items’ charges are broken out by currency in sales reports, in confirmations, in EMS Web App, and so on.

Learn about Currency Configuration Wizard.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > BillingCurrencies.

    The Currencies window opens. This window lists all the currencies that are currently configured in your EMS database and that have a status of Active. To show all currencies, regardless of status, under Show, click Inactive.

  2. Click New

  3. Enter the information for the new currency.




    Description for the currency (50 character maximum including spaces).


    Required. The abbreviation or symbol for the currency, for example, USD or $ for US dollars.

    To add special characters, copy and paste from a text file. 

    Trailing Symbol

    Clear this option if the currency symbol is to be displayed in a leading position, for example, $45.00. Select if the symbol is to be displayed as the far right hand character.


    As you enter the information for the currency, an sample currency entry displays.

  4. To add the currency as an active currency, leave Inactive blank .

    To inactivate the currency, select Inactive.

  5. Click OK


(missing or bad snippet)