Configure Override Rooms

EMS uses  override rooms to loosely define useable space which is not formally configured.

For example, a building can have private offices which are not configured as spaces available for public use, but you might need to select such a space for an attendee who is participating remotely in a video conference. In order to provide company employees the ability to schedule meetings in these private rooms, Override Rooms can be configured in EMS. See Also: Specify Unregistered Attendee/Visitor Behavior.

Create an Override Room

  1. On the EMS Desktop Client menu bar, click Configuration > Facilities > Rooms

    The Rooms Configuration page opens.

  2. Click New.
  3. In Room Name, enter a name for the space in a way that indicates an Override Room (for example, "Override Area 1”).
  4. Under Classification, select Override Description.

In the example above, "Override Area 1” can be used repeatedly to serve as a placeholder for any meeting request which will occur in a non-configured space.

For example, on Monday a user makes a reservation for "Override Area 1” and names it "Meeting in Mike Thompson’s Office”, and on Wednesday another user makes a reservation for "Override Area 1” and names it "Meet Guests in Lobby Reception Area Prior to Building Tour.”

EMS does not track availability for events booked in Override Rooms. EMS reports on events that are scheduled in an override room as it would for an event scheduled for any other room.


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