Configure Additional Information for a Group

After you configure a new group in your EMS database with the basic group information (group identifying information, billing information and/or other information), you have the option to configure additional information for the group.

ClosedCreate an Everyday User from a Group

An Everyday User is a registered user who can submit requests for reservations or schedule reservations in EMS Web App. When you add a new group in your EMS database, you decide the “level” of the group that you are adding. For a group that is added at the individual (personnel/employee) level, you might also need to create an everyday user from the group. This user can then create and view reservations on behalf of a group or groups in EMS Web App. You can create only one everyday user from a group. When you create an everyday user, you can also specify one or more delegates for the everyday user. A delegate is an everyday user who can create and view reservations on behalf of another everyday user.

  1. Open the Groups window and search for the group for which you are creating the everyday user.

  2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Tools > Create Everyday User.

    A group-specific dialog opens on the Everyday User tab.

    The User Defined Fields tab shows the prompts an everyday user must answer when requesting an account through EMS Web App, and it is not relevant to the procedure described below.

  3. Enter the information for the new everyday user. You can make additional changes later.

    Field Description


    Automatically populates after you select the group from the Groups window.


    The password that an everyday user must enter to log in to EMS Web App.

    Email address

    If this information has been entered in the Groups window for the group, then this field is automatically populated after you select the group from the Groups window. If the field is blank, enter the full email address for the user. The user must enter this address to log in to EMS Web App.


    Optional. If this information has been entered for the group, then these fields are automatically populated after you select the group from the Groups window. If the fields are blank, you can enter values if needed.



    External Reference

    Optional. Links the everyday user to an outside program if needed.

    Network ID

    Optional. The everyday user’s network ID.

    Email Opt Out

    Select this option if the everyday user is not to receive automatic emails from EMS Web App.


    Required. Select the status for the everyday user:

    • Active – the everyday user can log in to EMS Web App.

    • Inactive – The user cannot log in to EMS Web App and is instructed to contact the EMS administrator.

    • Pending – the everyday user cannot log in to EMS Web App and is informed that they must check back at a later time.

    Security Template Required field

    Determines the everyday user's access to the system, such as the menu items that the user can view and the tooltip information the user can view when hovering over an event in EMS Web App.

    Learn how to Configure Everyday User Security Templates.

    Time Zone

    Required. Select the time zone for the user.

  4. Open the Everyday User Process Templates tab and on the Available list, select one or more process to which you are assigning the user, and Move (>) them to the Selected list.

    A process template defines the functions available to each type of everyday user in EMS Web App when they submit a request for a reservation.

  5. Open the Groups tab and do the following to specify the groups on whose behalf the everyday user can view and make reservations in EMS Web App:

    • To list all active groups in your system, click Display.

    • To search for specific groups, use the Find and Group Type fields and then click Display.

    • In the Available list, select one or more groups and move (>) them to the Selected list.

  6. Open the Delegates tab, where you specify the delegates for the everyday user, and search for specific delegates and move (>) them to the Selected list.

    Use the Spelling option to spell-check any information that you manually entered for the everyday user.

  7. Click OK.

    A success message opens.

  8. Click OK.

ClosedAssign a Group to an Everyday User

When you add a new group in your EMS database, you should also assign the group to an everyday user. This everyday user can then create and view reservations on behalf of the group in EMS Web App. You can assign a group to one or more everyday users.

  1. Open the Groups window and search for the group to which you are assigning the everyday user.

  2. Select the group, and then click Tools > Assign to Everyday Users.

    The Assign Group dialog opens.

  3. To select the everyday users whom you are assigning to the group do one of the following :

    • Leave Find blank, and then click Display to open a list of all active everyday users. Select the everyday user, or Ctrl-click to select multiple everyday users, and then Move (>) to the Selected list.

    • In Search By, select the option by which to search (Email Address or User Name) and then in Find, enter a search string, and click Display. Select the everyday user and then Move (>) to the Selected list.

  4. Click Finish.

    A success message opens.

  5. Click OK.

ClosedAssign Calculations to a Group

Calculations are additional charges that can be applied to billable items (a category, a group, a group type, a resource, or a room) such as gratuity or sales tax. When you configure a group, you can assign the calculations that are to always apply to the group.

  1. Open the Groups window and search for the group to which you are assigning the calculations.

    Learn about searching for a group or contact.

  2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.

    A group-specific window opens.

  3. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Calculations.

    The right pane displays any calculations already assigned to the group.

  4. Click Edit.

    The Calculations dialog opens.

  5. On the Available list, select the calculation (Ctrl-click to select multiple calculations) that you want to always apply to this group, and then move (>) to the Selected list.

    If a suitable calculation is not available, you can configure it.

    You can also assign calculations to a group type. If you have already assigned calculations for this group’s type, then those calculations are automatically applied to the group. The calculations show in the Selected list after you click OK and save the group.

  6. Continue with any other optional configurations for the group.

  7. Click OK.

ClosedConfigure a List of Billing Reference Numbers

You can configure a master list of billing reference numbers that are specific to the group.

  1. Open the Groups window and search for a group.

  2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.

    A group-specific window opens.

  3. In the left pane, select Billing References.

    A list of all active billing reference numbers for the group shows in the right pane.

    To display all billing reference numbers regardless of status, click Show Inactive. Inactive billing reference numbers show in italics in the right pane.

  4. Click New.

    The Billing Reference dialog opens.

  5. Enter the information for the new billing reference number.

    Option Description

    Billing Reference Number

    The billing reference number that's associated with the group. (Alphanumeric, 100 character maximum, including spaces)


    Description of the billing reference number.


    Other comments about the billing reference number.


    Leave blank to add the reference as an active reference (the billing reference number is to be available when a reservation is made for the group). Select to inactivate the billing reference number.

    Click Spelling to spell-check the information for the PO number before you save it.

  6. Continue with other optional configuration for the group as needed

  7. Click OK.

ClosedConfigure a List of PO Numbers

You can configure a master list of PO numbers that are specific to the group. If you need to edit the group information you can select it from this master list.

  1. Open the Groups window and search for the group for which you are configuring the master PO numbers list.

  2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then click Open.

    A group-specific window opens with the group selected.

  3. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select PO Numbers.

    A list of all currently active PO numbers for the group shows in the right pane.

    You can display all PO numbers regardless of status by clicking Show Inactive. Inactive PO numbers show in italics.

  4. Click New.

    The PO Number dialog opens.

  5. Enter the new PO number information.

    Option Description

    PO Number

    The PO number that is associated with the group (alphanumeric, maximum 100 characters including spaces).


    A description of the PO number.


    Comments about the PO number.


    Leave blank to add the PO number as an active number (the PO number is to be available when a reservation is made for the group). Select this option to inactivate the PO number.

    Click Spelling to spell-check the information for the PO number before you save it.

  6. Continue with other optional configuration for the group as needed.

  7. Click OK.


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