Configure Everyday User Security Templates

A security template specifies which menu items are available to the users who are assigned to the template, which event information fields can be viewed, and other information.

ClosedNavigate to a Security Template

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Everyday User ApplicationsEveryday User Security Templates

    The Everyday User Security Templates window opens. This window lists the one user role (unauthenticated user) used in the EMS Web App and other security templates that have been defined.

  2. Click New

    The Security Template dialog opens on the Security Template tab.

ClosedEnter Security Template Settings

On the Security Template dialog, enter the information for the new everyday user role.




The description or name for the security template (50 character maximum including spaces).

Allow User to Add Groups

Selected by default. Users who are attached to this security template can select from a list of existing Groups in your EMS database to add to the users' accounts when submitting a request or making a reservation.

Allow User to Add Contacts

Select if you want users who are attached to this security template to be able to select from a list of existing Contacts in your EMS database when submitting a request or making a reservation.

Allow User to Set Default Contact

Available only if Allow User to Add Contacts is selected. Select this option if you want users who are attached to this template to be able to specify a default Contact for a selected Group when submitting a request or making a reservation.

ClosedAssign Roles to Users

Roles are the tasks that an assigned user can do. On the Roles tab > Available list, select the role (Ctrl-click to select multiple roles) for the user(s) are to be assigned to this template, and then Move (>) to the Selected list.



Allow Check In

Allows a user to check in to a booking from EMS Web App, and EMS Kiosk.

Approvals Allows user access to the Approvals feature in EMS Web App.

Browse Events

Provides access to the Events calendar in EMS Web App.

Browse Locations

Allows a user to browse for available rooms in a Schedule view.

Browse People

Allows an EMS Web App user to view a specific Group's reservations for today.

Create\Edit an Account

For the (unauthenticated user) template, allows a new user to create an EMS Web App user account. This new everyday user account is set to active or pending based on your EMS Web App parameter settings. For the authenticated users, this role determines if an existing everyday user can access the Edit My Account area within EMS Web App.

Custom Events

Provides access to any custom events calendars created.


Allows EMS Web App users to delegate control of their reservations (new and existing) to other EMS Web App everyday users.

Expert User A security role that only pertains to EMS Platform Services. This role is required to access Platform Services API routes for EMS Desktop Client functionality.
Facilities Admin Allows an Everyday User to call APIs to create and update facilities data including buildings, floors, rooms, and room types. The Everyday User does not need to be a web admin.

Kiosk Provisioning

This role allows users to log into the EMS Kiosk App as an Administrator and provision profiles.

Location Details

Allows a user to view details (room type, size, phone, features, setup types, images and so on) about a room.


Allows an anonymous user or “guest” to log in to EMS Web App.

View Floor Map

Requires the optional Floor Plan module. Allows a EMS Web App user to view and book rooms on a floor plan.

View Reservation Summary

Allows an EMS Web App user to view the Reservation Summary page when the user clicks on the link from notification/confirmation emails. Note that the reservation owner, or delegate of the owner, can view the Reservation Summary page through the email link even if the role has not been assigned. Administrators can use the View Reservation Summary role to limit access to reservation information from forwarded emails.

Web Administrator

Provides access to various administrative functions within EMS Web App such as clearing the cache, enabling help text edit mode, and enabling detailed errors.

ClosedSet Tooltip Display

The Booking Details Display Fields tab houses the information that appears when a EMS Web App user browses events in the Browse Events area or browses for space in the Browse for Space area.

To select the fields you want to display in the Browse Events or Browse for Space areas:

  1. Click the Booking Details Display Fields tab.
  2. On the Available list, select the information you want displayed (Ctrl-click to select multiple items).
  3. Move (>) to the Selected list.

ClosedFinalize the Template

  1. Click OK

    The changes are saved to the template.

  2. You can delete a security template by selecting it from the Everyday User Security Template window by clicking Delete. If the template is Peoplassigned to a user, you will be prompted to assign another template to that user before deleting it. 
  3. To print a security template information, click the Print button. Itl prints a list of your templates or a list of user roles showing how they are mapped to security templates. 


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