Configure Language Translations for Everyday User Applications

Previous versions of EMS referred to this feature as "Web Cultures."

If you need to add language translation capability for your Everyday User templates or EMS Kiosk pages (menu text, menu items, and help text items), then you must configure language translations. Each translation you configure represents a language for which translations must be provided in your EMS Everyday User Applications.  

Build Your Language Translation Spreadsheet (EMS Web App)

The EMS Kiosk App uses a JSON translation file instead of a translation spreadsheet. Learn about Configure Language Translations in EMS Kiosk App.

  1. EMS Software provides a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet specific to EMS Web App that contains all of the application labels, page titles, system messages and error messages with their English translations.  

    Values for data items (e.g. Event Types like “Meeting”, “Training”, etc. or Room Types like “Workspace”, “Conference Room”, etc.) configured within EMS or dynamic information that is inputted by an EMS user or Virtual EMS web user (e.g. Event Name like “HR Meeting”, Comments, Special Instructions, etc.) are not translated. 

  2. The customer is responsible for providing the translated values for the information in the product spreadsheet. Once the customer returns the fully translated product spreadsheet to EMS Software, EMS Software development teams compile the spreadsheet into a product-specific language folder containing a set of files. (We maintain a language folder for each language).
    • The customer saves the language files in the "App_GlobalResources" folder within the EMS Web App physical directory on their web server. (The default path is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\emswebapp\App_GlobalResources\).    

      For the translation to affect an Everyday Applications user, two conditions should be met:  

      1.  Set the language setting in Windows.
      2. The end user’s browser Language Preference is set to that specific language and set as the default.

Configure Your Language Translations in EMS Desktop Client 

After you configure a language translation, it is displayed on the Translations tab in various configuration areas in EMS.

  1. On the EMS Desktop Client menu bar, click Configuration > Everyday User Applications > Language Translations

    The Language Translations window opens.

    All currently configured translations in your EMS database display.

  2. Click New

    The Language Translation dialog opens. By default, the language is set to English (United States).

  3. In Description, enter a name for the new web culture (up to 50 characters, including spaces).
  4. On Language, select the language into which the menu text, menu items, and help text items will be translated.
  5. Click OK


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