Work with Shared Space

The shared space designation is used for two or more courses that are not cross-listed in the SIS, but that have matching patterns and are meant to be held in the same room. The shared space designation links the courses together for the set preferences, optimization, publishing, and final exam scheduling functions. Shared space is assigned in a parent-child relationship. If needed, you can change the parent designation. In addition, if a course that is cross-listed in the SIS is not meant to be held in the same room, or if courses that are marked as shared space are no longer meant to share space, then you can reverse the shared space designation. You can also review shared spaced designations.

Academic units that have the appropriate permissions can indicate shared space using the EMS Campus Planning Interface. You might want to review these shared space settings before working with shared space.

Assign Shared Space to Courses

  1. On the EMS Academic Planning menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic Browser

    The Academic Browser opens.

  2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
  3. In Domain, select a domain and in Term select a term.
  4. Set other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to search for the courses that are to share space, and then click Get Data

    The courses that meet your search criteria display on the Results tab.

  5. Ctrl-click to select the courses that are to share space.
  6. On the Tools menu, click Shares Space

    A confirmation message opens.

  7. Click Yes

    The Academic Browser opens. The Shares Spaces designation is indicated in the browser. The parent item is indicated with *Parent, and the child item is indicated with the parent’s Course Number and Section Number.

Change the Parent Designation for Shared Space/Cross-listed Spaces

When you set the shared space designation for courses, EMS Academic Planning arbitrarily specifies one of the courses as the parent course. The academic unit that controls the parent course is the unit that sets the preferences for the shared courses in the Set Preferences mode. If the academic unit that you want to set the preferences in the Set Preferences mode is not currently the parent course, then you can change the parent designation for the courses. Also, after you publish courses, you can change the room only for the parent course and the child course “just follows along.” If the course on which you want to base the room change is not currently the parent course, then you can change the parent designation for the courses.

  1. On the EMS Academic Planning menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic Browser

    The Academic Browser opens.

  2. If needed, open the Filter tab. 
  3. In Domain, select a domain and in Term, select a term.
  4. Set other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to search the shared spaces courses, and then click Get Data

    The courses that meet your search criteria are displayed on the Results tab.

  5. Ctrl-click to select the parent course and the child courses.
  6. On the Tools menu, click Change Shared Space Parent

    The Shares Space Change Parent dialog opens and lists the parent class and all its child classes that share space.

  7. Select the course that is to be the new parent, and then click Set Parent.

    A Set Parent dialog opens, indicating that the selected course will be set as the parent for all the listed courses, and asking you if it is OK to continue.

  8. Click Yes

    The Academic Browser opens with the new parent designation indicated in the browser.

Reverse the Shared Space Designation

  1. On the EMS Academic Planning menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic Browser

    The Academic Browser opens.

  2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
  3. In Domain, select a domain and in Term, select a term.
  4. Set other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) as needed to search the courses that are to no longer share space, and then click Get Data

    The courses that meet your search criteria display on the Results tab.

  5. Ctrl-click to select the courses that are to no longer share space.
  6. On the Tools menu, click Does Not Share Space

    A confirmation message opens.

  7. Click Yes

    The Academic Browser opens with the Shared Space designation removed for the selected courses. Academic units might designate shared space that they can review in the EMS Campus Planning Interface.

Review Shared Space Designations

  1. On the EMS Academic Planning menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Academic Browser

    The Academic Browser opens.

  2. If needed, open the Filter tab.
  3. In Domain, select a domain and in Term, select a term.
  4. Set other criteria (academic unit, subject, and so on) to search the courses that you are reviewing, and then click Get Data

    The courses that meet your search criteria display on the Results tab. Use the information in the Shared Space column to identify and review the courses that share space. You can also click the column heading to sort by shared space. 


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