Search with the Academic Browser

You can use the Academic Browser to search for courses or course dates. The results are displayed in a list view. When you carry out a search in the Academic Browser, you can carry out a basic search or an advanced search. A basic search is based on the basic information that you specify for a course when you first create it, such as the domain, the term, the academic unit, the subject, and so on. An advanced search is a field level search that is carried out at the course level, the course dates level, or the preference level or for published terms, at the reservation, booking or booking detail levels. For example, in an advanced search, you can specify criteria as granular as “courses with credit hours greater than 3.0.” After the search results are returned, you have a variety of options for working with the results, including sorting and grouping information or using the Tools menu to perform functions. The actions that you can carry out in the Academic Browser depend upon the mode (Read Only, Define and Edit Courses, or Set Preferences) that is enabled for the academic term with which you are working in EMS Campus.

ClosedSearch in the Academic Browser 

  1. Do one of the following to open the Academic Browser:

    • On the EMS Academic Planning toolbar, click the Academic Browser icon.

    • On the EMS Academic Planning menu bar, click Academic Planning > Configuration > Academic Browser.

  2. The first time that the Academic Browser window opens, the Filter tab is set by default to a basic search. Thereafter, the Filter tab is set to the last carried out search type (Basic or Advanced).

  3. Click the Basic/Advanced toggle to select the search type.

ClosedPerform a Basic Search in the Academic Browser 

  1. In Browse For, select a search item.

  2. Enter the search criteria.




    The domain for the course or course date.


    The term for the course or course date.


    Displays results for the specific optimization scenario selected. The “SIS” scenario displays room assignment information from your SIS.

    Academic Unit

    The academic unit for the course or course date.


    The subject for the course or course date.


    The instructor for the course or course date.

    Preferences Exist

    Used to identify the rooms for the courses/course dates that have/do not have room preferences/requirements specified.

    Edited Courses Only

    Used during the Define and Edit mode to identify courses or course dates that have changed (new, canceled, and/or edited courses/course dates).

  3. Optionally, click Options and edit the default value for the search option Number of Records to Return.

  4. Click Get Data or Refresh

    The search results display on the Results tab. If you searched for courses, then the results include courses without course dates (meeting patterns). Multiple displays for those courses with more than one course date. If you have searched for course dates, courses without course dates are suppressed while courses with multiple meeting patterns are expanded. EMS schedules rooms only for courses with course dates. 

  5. Optionally, do one or more of the following:

    • The Results tab is an EMS browser window. See Work with EMS Windows for all the features that are available for this tab.

    • To open a course in the Course Navigator, double-click the course entry on the Results tab.

    • Click Print to print the search results.

    • Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

    • In Define & Edit mode or Dual mode, use the New Course and New Section options as needed.

    • Select a course, or CTRL-click to select multiple courses, and depending on the mode, the following options are available on the Tools menu:

    • Set Preferences mode – Set Course Preferences (see Specify Room Preferences/Requirements) and Clear Course Preferences. Click Clear Course Preferences to clear all the current preferences/requirements for the selected courses in a single step.

    • All Modes (including Read Only) – Shares Space, Does Not Share Space, Change Shares Space Parent (see Work with Shared Space) and Set Final Exam Settings (see Set a Final Exam Schedule).

    • All Modes (including Read Only) – Unsync Selected Courses, which deletes the selected course records and the corresponding reservations and bookings from EMS.

      Use this option sparingly. It might be required post-publish if an error occurred in your SIS or during publish.

    • In the Browse For field, select a different item for which to search. The Results tab is refreshed with the search results based on the item that you selected and the search criteria on the Filter tab.

    • Click Filter to open the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search criteria and repeat the search.

    • Click Refresh to query the database based on the current search criteria.

  6. Click Close

    Changes that you made to the search results columns (position, width, and so on) remain in effect for any other searches that you carry out.

ClosedPerform an Advanced Search in the Academic Browser 

  1. In Browse For, select the item for which to search.
  2. Select a domain, term, and/or scenario to search.
  3. For each field level option by which to carry out the search:
    • Select the field level option, and then click the Move button (>).

      To filter the list of available fields, in Field Search, enter a search string. Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the string is not case-sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For example, a search string of add returns Added by, Date Added, and Group Address Line 1. The list of fields that meets your search criteria is dynamically updated as you enter your search criteria.

    • When prompted, enter a value or define the limits for the option, and then click OK.

    The option is moved to the Filter Summary list.

    If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out a search, then you can set up these fields to be your Favorite fields.

  4. To view a selected field option in its entirety in the Filter Summary list, rest the mouse pointer on the entry. A tooltip showing the complete field option information opens.

  5. Optionally, click Options and edit the default value for the additional search option Number of Records to Return.

  6. Click Get Data or Refresh

    The search results display on the Results tab. If searched for courses, then the results include courses without course dates (meeting patterns). “Multiple” is displayed for those courses with more than one course date. If you have searched for course dates, courses without course dates are suppressed while courses with multiple meeting patterns are expanded. EMS schedules rooms only for courses with course dates.

  7. Optionally, do one or more of the following:

    • The Results tab is an EMS browser window. See Work with EMS Windows for all the features that are available for this tab.

    • To open a course in the Course Navigator, double-click the course entry on the Results tab.

    • Click Print to print the search results.

    • Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

    • In Define & Edit mode or Dual mode, use the New Course and New Section options as needed.

    • Select a course, or Ctrl-click to select multiple courses, and depending on the mode, the following options are available on the Tools menu:

    • Set Preferences mode – Set Course Preferences (see Specify Room Preferences/Requirements) and Clear Course Preferences. Click Clear Course Preferences to clear all the current preferences/requirements for the selected courses in a single step.

    • All Modes (including Read Only) – Shares Space, Does Not Share Space, Change Shares Space Parent (see Work with Shared Space).

    • All Modes (including Read Only) – Unsync Selected Courses, which deletes the selected course records and the corresponding reservations and bookings from EMS.

      Use this option sparingly; however, it might be required post-publish if an error occurred in your SIS or during publish.

    • In the Browse for field, select a different item for which to search. The Results tab is refreshed with the search results based on the item that you selected and the search criteria on the Filter tab.

    • Click Filter to return to the Filter tab, make any necessary changes to the search criteria and repeat the search.

    • Click Refresh to requery the database based on the current search criteria.

  8. Click Close

    Changes that you made to the search results columns (position, width, and so on) remain in effect for any other searches that you carry out.

ClosedSet Favorite Fields for an Academic Browser Search 

If you have specific fields and/or values by which you always want to carry out an Academic Browser search, you do not have to filter the list of fields on the All Fields tab for every search. Instead, you can set up each of these fields to be a favorite field with a specific value or limit if needed.

  1. Open the Academic Browser, and make sure that the Advanced search features are displayed.

  2. For each field that you are setting up as favorite field, select the field on the All Fields tab, and then click Add to Favorites

    The field is added to the Favorite Fields tab.

  3. Optionally, after you define a value or define the limits for a field, click Save Value on the Filter dialog. The next time that you carry out a search, you can simply open the Favorite Fields tab or the Saved Values tab to carry out a search based on your customized list of search fields.


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