Publish a Term

After the Domain Scheduler finalizes assigning courses to rooms, with the help of the EMS room optimization process or by using the scenario that was pulled from the SIS, the next step is to publish the course schedule for the term in EMS Academic Planning. Publishing the course schedule causes the system to book the space in EMS, creating reservations and bookings. If the EMS Academic Planning system parameter, Manually Update SIS, is set to No, then the publishing process also updates course location information directly in the SIS; otherwise, the Domain Scheduler must manually update the SIS. Publishing an academic term consists of the following steps:

  1. The Domain Scheduler publishes the term, which includes specifying statuses for courses in conflict and cross-listed courses.

  2. If needed, the Domain Scheduler manually updates the course locations in the SIS.

  3. If needed, the Domain Scheduler can unpublish a previously published term.

After you have finalized the assignment of courses to rooms, either with the help of the EMS room optimization process or by using the scenario that was pulled from the SIS, the next step is to publish the course schedule for the term in EMS Academic Planning. Publishing the course schedule causes the system to book the space in EMS, creating reservations and bookings.

Publish a Term 

  1. On the EMS Academic Planning menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms

    The Terms window opens.

  2. In Domain, select the domain for which the term is being published.

  3. Select the term that is being published.

  4. Click Edit

    The Term dialog opens.

  5. Do the following:

    • Verify that the Mode is set to Read Only and if the academic unit-level users are to have View access to the term, make sure that Available to Academic Units is selected.

    • In Active Scenarios, select a scenario.

      The SIS scenario publishes room assignments that were previously defined in the SIS.

  6. Optionally, in Phase and Notes, enter information that is pertinent to the published .

    For example, “Published” in the Phase field.

  7. Click the Excluded Dates tab.

  8. Select the dates that should be excluded during the publishing process.

    This would include any dates where regularly scheduled classes do not take place, for example, breaks, holidays, and if applicable, final exams week.

    Bookings are not created for excluded dates, which means that rooms can be scheduled for events and meetings, if needed.

  9. Click Publish

  10. On the Publish Term page, the Academic Domain, Term, and Scenario fields are automatically populated with previously selected values and are uneditable.

    Complete the following:

    • Status – Used to book all rooms for course reservations and bookings that are created during the publishing process.

      The status should be a Booked Space type.

    • Conflict Status – If you are publishing course room placements that were assigned in your SIS (the SIS scenario), then potentially you could have room booking conflicts created. If a double booking is encountered during the publishing process, then the reservation and bookings for the conflicting course are published in this conflict status.

      The status should be an Info Only type.

    • Cross List Status – Used to book all cross-listed and shared space course reservations and bookings that are created during the publishing process.

      The status should be an Info Only type.

    • Override Existing Bookings/Override Conflict Status – If another scheduling unit on campus, for example, the Student Union, is allowed to book events in academic space before the publishing process has taken place, then an event and course might be assigned to the same space. If Override Existing Bookings is selected and this situation is encountered during the publishing process, the event is “bumped” and its reservation and bookings are booked into this status. If Override Existing Bookings is not selected, then the conflicted bookings for the course are placed into the Override Conflict Status.

      The Override Conflict Status should be an Info Only type.

    • Notification Mode – Type of booking notifications you want to receive.

    • Reservation Source – Used for the course reservations and bookings that are created during the publishing process.

    • Room for Unassigned Courses – Click the Search icon to open the Room Selector dialog and select the room in which to book the courses that have not been assigned in the SIS or in an optimization scenario.

      Unassigned courses are typically booked in a special To Be Determined (TBD) room. Some organizations create a specific TBD building and/or room to accommodate this situation. The room must be an override description room. Refer to the EMS Desktop Client Configuration Guide for information about configuring a TBD building and/or room.

  11. Click Publish

  12. Click Yes

    A Publishing progress dialog opens. After the term is published, the progress dialog closes, and a success message opens.

  13. Click OK.

    If any errors are encountered during the publishing process, or if the EMS Academic Planning system parameter Manually Update SIS/ERP System After Publishing is set to Yes, then you can access your course list and manually update the course locations in your SIS.


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