Manually Update Course Locations in the SIS

If any errors are encountered during the publishing process, or if the EMS Academic Planning system parameter Manually Update SIS/ERP System After Publishing is set to “Yes,” then you can access your course list and manually update the course locations in your SIS.

  1. On the EMS Academic Planning menu bar, click Academic Planning > Courses > Manage Terms

    The Terms window opens.

  1. In Domain, select a domain.
  2. Select the term for which you are manually updating the course locations, and then click Update SIS

    The Courses Not Updated in SIS window opens. This window lists all the courses that were not updated in the SIS along with an accompanying reason. If the reason is an error, you must resolve the error before you can continue with the manual publishing. If “Manual Publish” required is listed, then you can continue with this procedure. 

  1. Select the course record or Ctrl-click to select multiple records, and then click Update, or click Update All to update all records in a single step. 

    A success message opens.

  2. Click OK.


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