Generate Academic Reports

For any academic report, you can specify the parameters, options, and format for the report, or you can generate the report according to memorized settings. (For detailed information about a memorized report, See Also: Work with Saved Reports.)

Not all reports require the same parameters, nor do they all have the same options available. In addition, you can generate different reports in different formats. All subjects must belong to an academic unit to be displayed on an academic report. See Also: Configure Academic User Templates and Synchronize Campus-Specific Data.

  1. On the EMS Academic Planning menu bar, click Academic PlanningReports
  2.  On the Reports menu, click the report you want to generate. For example, to generate the Course List report, click Academic Planning > ReportsCourse List.

    You can also access academic reports under Reports > Academic Planning.

  3. On the window that opens, set up your report. 

    In Setup, you can leave it as user-specified. If there are saved reports available for this type of report, you can select one and streamline the reporting process. Learn how to Work with Saved Reports.

    In Report Comment, you can enter a comment to print on the report (maximum 255 characters).

    Click Print Preview to see an preview of the report.

    To print a hard copy of the report, specify the number of copies that you are printing, and then click Print.

    If you want to save settings so that you do not have to adjust them every time you run this type of report, you can click Save. The option will appear in Setup next time you open this type of report.

  4. After you set all options, click Close

    These settings will be used as defaults for all subsequent reports you generate. You can change the settings.

ClosedCourse List 




Provides a list of courses and course dates.

This report is often sent out to academic units for review when the Domain Scheduler is finished with room assignments.

There are options to include courses without room assignments and to print User Defined Fields that are associated with courses. Formats include:

  • By Course
  • By Instructor
  • By Academic Department By Course
  • By Academic Department By Instructor
  • By Day of Week
  • By Location
  • By Estimated Enrollment
  • By Start Time
  • By Subject
  • By Course Type

ClosedCourse Changes 




Used during Define and Edit Mode to capture changes made by the academic units to courses and course dates so that the Domain Scheduler can data enter these changes into the SIS.

  • Show Changes
  • All Changes For Term – If selected, all changes for the term (even changes that have possibly already been data-entered into the SIS) are included in the report.
  • Changes Since Last Synchronization – If selected, the report includes only changes that have been made since the last time that the term was synchronized.
  • Show Room Changes – If selected, the report includes changes to rooms (post-publish only).
  • Show Canceled Courses Only – If selected, the report includes only cancellations.
  • Show New Courses Only – If selected, the report includes only new courses.
  • Show Edited Courses Only – If selected, the report includes only changes.
  • Show Latest Changes Only – If this option is selected, and a single value has been changed multiple times, the report includes only the most recent change for the field.
  • Hide Change Details – If selected, audit trail details are hidden on the report.
  • Show All Courses – If selected, all courses, even those without changes, are shown in the report.
  • Show User Defined Fields – If selected, the report includes any user defined fields that have been completed.
  • Show Notes – If selected, any user-supplied notes are shown in the report.

The options that are marked with an asterisk (*) are the recommended options for the most inclusive reports.

ClosedCourse Preferences 




Used after Set Preferences mode to provide a list of courses and course dates with their preferences and requirements.

Format Choices:

  • By Course
  • By Academic Department By Course
  • By Academic Department by Instructor

ClosedPreferences Summary 




After running an optimization scenario, this report is used to summarize the following information:

  • The number of each type of preference or requirement.
  • The number of the preferences that can be met from the optimization process.
  • The number of preferences that cannot be met from the optimization process.

You can generate this report for each different scenario that was optimized.


ClosedUnmet Preferences 




After running an optimization scenario, this report is used to list the courses that had preferences or requirements that were not met during the optimization process. You can generate this report for each different scenario that was optimized.

Format Choices:

  • By Course
  • By Academic Department By Course
  • By Academic Department by Instructor

ClosedInstructor Back to Back 




Lists the courses that have instructors who are scheduled to teach two courses at the same time (Conflicts) and instructors who are teaching back to back in different locations within the time gap that is specified in Options.

  • The days of the week that are to be included in the instructor’s schedule.
  • The time gap (in minutes) between classes on the specified days that determines “back to back.”

ClosedInstructor Summary 




This report includes the following values per instructor:

  • Number of sections.
  • Number of teaching hours.
  • Number of credit hours.
  • Total estimated enrollment.
  • Total actual enrollment.
  • Number of sections in Prime Time.
  • Number of Time Block violations,.


ClosedTime Block Violations 




Lists the courses that are in violation of the Time Block template. In the Summary format, the following values are included:

  • Total number of course dates
  • Total in violation
  • Percent in violation
  • Total that meet the Time Block template
  • Percent that meet the Time Block template
  • Percent of total violations per academic unit

Format options:

  • By Course
  • By Instructor
  • By Academic Unit By Course
  • By Academic Unit By Instructor
  • Summary
  • Chart - Violation Count
  • Chart - Violation Totals
  • Show All Courses
  • Include Courses Not Assigned To Rooms
  • Show User Defined Fields

ClosedTime Block Room Availability/Usage 




Displays the number of rooms that are either available or in use for each room size (Small, Medium, or Large) for each time block.

To generate this report, a Time Block template must be indicated on the term.

  • Format options:
  • Availability
  • Usage
  • Indicate Low Availability and High Availability Thresholds
  • Include All Active Scenarios in other Domains

ClosedAcademic Class Meeting Utilization 




Used after publishing to view the percent utilization of your rooms based on the number of class meetings that you specify. For instance, if you hold 50 minute courses from 8:00 - 5:00 (9 meetings) and have one evening course from 6:00 - 9:00 (1 meeting) Monday through Friday (x5), you would have 50 class meetings per week.


ClosedClassroom Utilization 




Used to analyze the percent that your rooms are utilized compared to a number of hours and the percentage of seats full (selected enrollment compared to room capacity).

In Manage Terms, you can specify either estimated enrollment or actual enrollment. The value that you selected is the value that is used to calculate the values for this report.

  • Format Options:
  • Detail
  • Chart - By Building
  • Chart - By Room Type
  • Chart - By Room Size
  • The days of the week that are to be included in the report
  • The Hours Per Day that are to be considered
  • Include All Active Scenarios in other Domains

ClosedHourly Classroom Utilization 




Calculates the percent that a room is used during each hour of the day. Formats include detailed (percent for each hour of each room specified) and chart (a chart of each hour for overall).

  • Format Options:
  • Detail
  • Chart
  • The days of week that are to be reviewed
  • Include All Active Scenarios in other Domains

ClosedOver/Under Utilization 




Displays those courses that have an adjusted enrollment that is either over the maximum capacity for the room or under the minimum capacity for the room and seat fill.

In Manage Terms, you can specify either estimated enrollment or actual enrollment. The value that you selected is the value that is used to calculate the values for this report.

To show or not to Show All Courses (regardless if they fall outside capacity thresholds)

ClosedPrime Time Usage




This report displays the number of sections (course dates) with room assignments that fall within the specified time range (Prime Time) or that have been indicated as Prime Time on the Time Block template.

In Manage Terms, you can specify either estimated enrollment or actual enrollment. The value that you selected is the value that is used to calculate the values for this report.

Format options:

  • Detail
  • Chart - Sections
  • Chart - Class Meetings
  • Chart - Class Hours
  • The days of the week that are to be included in the report
  • Include courses that have not been assigned into a room

ClosedAcademic Unit Statistics 




Displays the following statistics for course dates that have been scheduled into rooms:

  • Number of sections per unit
  • Percentage of the total sections
  • Number of class meetings
  • Percentage of the total class meetings
  • Number of class hours
  • Percentage of class hours
  • Average estimated enrollment
  • Average actual enrollment
  • Average seat fill

In Manage Terms, you can specify either estimated enrollment or actual enrollment. The value that you selected is the value that is used to calculate the values for this report.

Format options:

  • By Academic Unit
  • By Academic Time Block
  • The days of the week that are to be included in the report
  • Include course dates that have not been assigned into a room

ClosedCourse Type Analysis 




Displays the following statistics indicated by course type:

  • Number of sections
  • Percentage of the total sections
  • Number of class meetings
  • Percentage of the total class meetings
  • Number of class hours
  • Percentage of class hours
  • Average estimated enrollment
  • Average actual enrollment
  • Format options:
  • Detail
  • Chart - Sections
  • Chart - Class Meetings
  • Chart - Class Hours
  • Chart - Actual Enrollment
  • The days of the week that are to be included in the report
  • Include course dates that have not been assigned into a room

ClosedFinal Exam Settings 




Outlines any final exam settings that are marked on courses for preparation of publishing the final exam schedule.

  • Show All Courses – Displays all courses and their corresponding settings
  • Show Final Exam Not Required – Limits the report to those courses that had “No Exam Required” specified
  • Show Special/Common Exams – Limits the report to only those courses with special/common exams settings

ClosedFinal Exam Schedule 




Displays a list of courses with the corresponding final exam date, time, and room as assigned by the final exam session.

  • All Assigned – All courses that have been assigned to a room by the final exam session
  • Different Rooms – All courses that have been scheduled in room that was not the same that was used all semester for the course for the final exam
  • Unassigned – All courses that have not been scheduled in a room for the final exam
  • Final Exam Not Scheduled – All courses for which no final exam was scheduled

ClosedTrend Report 




Shows how the following statistics are trending term by term:

  • Percent utilization
  • Percent estimated seat fill
  • Percent actual seat fill
  • Percent sections in Prime Time
  • Percent sections over maximum capacity
  • Percent sections under minimum capacity
  • Percent Time Block violations

Format options:

  • By Term
  • By Term By Academic Unit
  • Chart
  • The days of the week that are to be included in the report
  • The number of hours per day that are to be used to calculate utilization
  • Include course dates that have not been assigned into a room


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