Toolbar Buttons

The toolbar always displays buttons for Book, Calendar, Wizard, Navigator, Browser, Everyday User Reservations, Groups, Email, Dashboard, and Manage Services. Other buttons for other functions might also display, depending on the version of EMS that you are running (such as EMS Campus or EMS Workplace) and additional components your organization might have installed, such as EMS Glance or the EMS Polycom Interface. Some of the functions that are available on the toolbar are also available from the main menu. You can customize the appearance of this toolbar to best suit your business needs. Your System Administrator might have re-labeled these options with different names than the examples shown in this topic.


Often called the "Reservation Book," this window shows all confirmed reservations (time and room) for your organization. Canceled bookings are not shown. You can use the Book to view and edit existing reservation, and to make new reservations. For detailed instructions, See Also: Using the Reservation Book.


You use the Calendar to quickly find for reservations, bookings, and service orders using basic or advanced criteria. Results display in calendar view. 


Use the Reservation Wizard to make reservations using a streamlined booking template. 


You can view and manage all aspects of a reservation with the Navigator, including bookings and booking details. This window also displays when you open a reservation for editing from other pages in EMS Desktop Client. 

Browser and Everyday User Reservations 

Authorized users can use the Browser or Everyday User Reservations Browser to search at a detailed level for reservations, web reservations, bookings, service orders, resources, and queries. 


Your organization might have re-labeled this button, "Customers" or "Employees." You can use this browser to search for groups or individuals and reservations and bookings made on their behalf. 


If your system is configured to use SMTP email, clicking this button launches a generic email window. For detailed instructions, See Also: Sending Email from EMS.


Authorized users can access the Dashboard for centralized information about reservations in a single location. They typically use this feature to plan day-to-day tasks, such as set and check reminders, send or read notifications, approve or check the status of meeting and service order requests, and review the latest changes to events. 

Manage Services  

You use Manage Services to search for and view the resources with and without service orders for all bookings on a particular day as well as the current state of the resources and their Reviewed status. After viewing a resource, if applicable, you can change the state for a resource. You can review a resource, or you can mark a resource as un-reviewed. You can also open a resource in the Navigator, and edit it if necessary. 

Group Reservations 

If your organization has licensed EMS Workplace, you might see Group Reservation icon in your toolbar. This feature enables you to manage and make reservations for Groups in a centralized location. 


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