Edit a Reservation in the Navigator

When you edit a reservation in the Navigator, you are working with the who and the what information for the event: the event name, the group name, and so on. When you edit a reservation, you can edit the reservation information (event name, event coordinator, and so on), and you can edit the billing information (pricing plan, payment type, and so on).

When you edit a reservation, if you select a different pricing plan, that plan is applied at the reservation level only. Categories and room charges are not automatically repriced. To reprice your categories or room charges based on a new pricing plan, you use the Update Pricing Plan wizard.

  1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. 
  2. In the left pane, select the reservation you are editing.
  3. On the Reservation Summary or Properties tab, click Edit
  4. Edit information on the Reservation and Billing Information tabs as needed.
  5. If you select a different pricing plan, then the pricing plan is applied at the reservation level only. Categories and room charges are not automatically repriced. To reprice your categories or room charges based on a new pricing plan, you must use the Update Pricing Plan Wizard.

  6. Click OK


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