Apply or Update Pricing Plans

Pricing plans are applied at the reservation level and apply to all applicable booking details, that is, room and resource charges. When a pricing plan is added to or updated on a reservation, the updated prices apply to future booking details. In addition to future booking details, if you want the pricing plan to cascade to the booking details already assigned, you can use the update pricing tool.

  1. Open the reservation in the Navigator.

  2. Select the reservation level and click Edit.

  3. Select the Billing Information tab.

  4. Update Pricing Plan.
    When you select a pricing plan, future room or resource charges reflect the new pricing plan. In addition to future charges, if you want to update current charges on the reservation, proceed using the update pricing function.

Update Charges on a Reservation

  1. Open the reservation in the Navigator.

  2. Select the reservation level and click Update Pricing.

    The Update Pricing Plan Wizard window opens.

  3. Select the pricing plan to be applied to current charges.
    Applicable room and resource categories are listed.

  4. Select the categories you want to receive updated pricing and click Next.
    Bookings with applicable charges display.

  5. Select the bookings to reprice and click Finish.
    You can click Select All to select all the displayed bookings in a single step.
    A confirmation message appears.

  6. Click OK.


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