Edit Multiple Bookings in the Navigator

You can use the available wizards in the Navigator to make the same changes to multiple bookings at once. Learn how to Edit Charges for Multiple Items.

Edit Multiple Bookings

  1. Open the Navigator.
  2. In the left pane, select the bookings that you want to apply the same changes. The Tools menu provides several wizards to help you batch-edit the bookings with the same changes.

Change the Booking Date/Time

To change the booking date and time:

  1. In the Bookings pane, click Tools > Change Booking Date/Time Wizard.
  2. In the window that opens, make changes using the definitions below.
  No changes The default value.
  Reschedule Booking Earlier Reschedule the bookings to an earlier date that is based on the number of days that you specify.
  Reschedule Booking Later Reschedule the bookings to a later date based on the number of days that you specify.
  Reschedule Booking to Specific Date Reschedule the bookings to a new date that you specify.
  No changes The default value.
  End Booking Earlier Resets the event end time and the reserved end time to an earlier time, based on the number of hours that you specify.
  End Booking Later Resets the event end time and the reserved end time to a later time, based on the number of hours that you specify.
  Reschedule Booking Earlier Resets both the event start and end times and the reserved start and end times to an earlier time, based on the number of hours that specify.
  Reschedule Booking Later Resets both the event start and end times and the reserved start and end times to a later time, based on the number of hours that you specify.
  Reschedule Booking to Specific Time Resets the following values based on the specific times that you select:
Reserved Start
Event Start
Event End
Reserved End
  Set Setup/Teardown Resets the setup or teardown times based on the hours or minutes that you specify.
  Start Booking Earlier Resets the event start time and the reserved start time to an earlier time, based on the number of hours that you specify.
  Start Booking Later Resets the event start time and the reserved start time to a later time, based on the number of hours that you specify.
  1. Click Next.

    The Select Bookings window opens, showing all current and future bookings for the selected reservation so you can select which ones to which to apply the date/time change.

    To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Canceled Bookings. To show all bookings regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.

  2. Select bookings to which to apply the date/time change and then click Finish.

    The Change Booking Date/Time Results window opens to show the new changes.

  3. Click Close.

Change Booking Status

If authorized, you can change the status of multiple bookings using the Change Booking Status Wizard (includes canceling a booking). If you change the status for a booking, you can quickly change the parent reservation status to match.

  1. In the Bookings pane, click Tools > Change Booking Status Wizard.

    The Change Booking Status Wizard opens. Select the new Status for the request.

    If you select any type of Canceled status, three additional required fields display: Reason, Who Canceled, and Notes. For status changes to bookings, you can leave Update Reservation Status selected to change the parent reservation status to match. You can select Send Confirmation If Successful to trigger an email to the group or individual for whom the reservation was made (depending on your Confirmation Settings).

  2. Enter a Reconfirm Date (if required) for the new status you selected.
  3. Click Next.

    The Select Bookings window opens and lists all the current and upcoming bookings for the reservation that do not have invoiced items. By default, all the bookings are selected. To show canceled bookings, clear Hide Canceled Bookings. To show all bookings regardless of date, clear Hide Old Bookings.

  1. Select the bookings for which you want to change changing the status, and then click Finish.

    To see only bookings that were not changed, select Show Unchanged Only. To view the details for a specific booking that was changed, select the booking, and then click Go To. If you reserve a resource and then edit the date, time, location, or status of a booking, and there is a resource inventory conflict, a Resource Inventory Conflicts report opens when you Close this window. You can manually run a Resource Inventory Conflict report: in the Bookings folder of the Navigator, select Tools > Resource Inventory Conflict.

  2. Click Close.

Change Rooms

  1. In the Bookings pane, click Tools > Change Room Wizard.

    The Change Room Wizard opens, where you can specify whether you want to search for rooms or only change to a specific room.

    To view a list of available rooms that match your search criteria, click Search for Rooms. Clicking Specific Room means you can search for a room using the Search icon. In this case, you will not need to select from a list of rooms later.

  2. Once you select the new room, the Change Rooms window refreshes so you apply detailed changes to the bookings.

    In the left pane, select the bookings you want to move to a new room. In the right pane, change the building, the room specifications, the status, the room features, or any combination of these, and then click Next.

  3. If prompted, enter a new setup count.

    Enter the maximum that you expect the new room to hold. You can apply the following options: Update Setup Type on Selected Bookings and/or Update Setup Count On Selected Bookings (use Minimum).

  4. To apply the same status change to the parent reservation, select Update Reservation Status.
  5. Click Next.

     The Change Room Wizard refreshes with an Available tab (if you selected Search for Rooms initially, and if applicable, a Conflicts tab.

    1. The Available tab shows available rooms that match your criteria, and contains two panes. The left pane lists all the rooms that meet some or all of your event criteria. The right pane lists all the event dates that must be fulfilled.
    2. The Conflicts tab lists rooms (if any) that were not available due to booking conflicts.

      Click Room Info to see room properties, setup type, features, and pricing, or Building Hours to see when the selected room/building is open.

  6. Select from the list of available rooms and use the arrow buttons to move them to the right pane.
  7. When you have fulfilled all dates, click Finish.
  8. The Change Rooms Results window opens to show your changes.
  1. Click Close.

    The Navigator window opens.

Change Miscellaneous Information

For multiple bookings, you can batch-change the event name, the event type, the setup type, the setup count, and the attendance.

  1. In the Bookings pane, click Tools > Change Miscellaneous Booking Information Wizard.

    The Change Miscellaneous Booking Information Wizard opens.

  1. Select the information to change, enter new values, and then click Next.

    The Select Bookings window shows the bookings to which you can apply these changes.

  1. Select bookings to which to apply the changes then click Finish.

    A success message opens.

  2. Click OK.


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