Edit Items for Individual Bookings

  1. Open the Navigator
  2. Select the booking detail folder that contains the items that you want to edit.
  3. In the Items pane, select the item you want to change.

    The item cannot be invoiced. If the item is invoiced, the Edit button is not available. To edit an invoiced item, you must first void the invoice.

  4. Click Edit
    • If editing a non-resource item, the Booking Detail dialog opens. Edit the item as necessary, and then click OK to  return to the Navigator.
    • If editing a resource item, the Resource dialog opens on the Resource tab. You might also see a Selections tab. Edit the information as necessary.

      You can select a different item for the resource. Sequence determines the order in which the items (for example, juice, muffins, and so on) are displayed in the Items pane in the Navigator.

      Time in Use indicates the time that the resource is to be available for the booking. You only can edit the Time In Use if the item is not from a resource from a service order or catering category. (The Time in Use is applied at the category level for these types of resources.) See Also: Event Timeline.

  5. If you want for notes to be printed on internal reports only, select Internal
  6. If you edit the pricing method, enter information as needed:

Pricing Method

Additional Fields


Unit Price

Half Day/Full Day (Event Time)

Half Day Price

Full Day Price


Half Day/Full Day (Reserved Time)

Half Day Price

Full Day Price


Half Day/Full Day (Service Time)

Available only for a resource with a service order.

Half Day Price

Full Day Price


Hourly (Event Time)

Hourly Price

Minimum Charge

Maximum Charge

Initial Flat Charge

Hourly (Reserved Time)

Hourly Price

Minimum Charge

Maximum Charge

Initial Flat Charge

Hourly (Service Time)

Available only for a resource with a service order.

Hourly Price

Minimum Charge

Maximum Charge

Initial Flat Charge

Hourly (Specific)

Hourly Price

Minimum Charge

Maximum Charge

  1. If applicable, open the Selection tab, and edit the resource selections. 
  2. Click OK

If you need to edit counts and/or times for individual items in a resource, service order, or catering, category, see Edit Count Information for a Booking.


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