Edit Count Information for a Booking

You use this tool to change various "counts" for a booking, such as setup count, attendance count, the estimated count, guaranteed count, and actual count for a booking detail (with a category type of catering), as well as the counts for non-invoiced booking detail items. You can make similar changes in other areas of the application. The Edit Counts simply collates all count information in a single location for editing.

You can edit the counts for all bookings in a reservation or for just a selected booking.

  1. Locate and select the parent reservation in the Navigator.
  2. Click Tools.
  3. Click Edit Counts.

    The Edit Counts window shows a list of bookings under the reservation.

  4. Select the booking for which you want to edit counts. 
  5. You can focus the list of counts on a Category. The middle pane is refreshed with the information for the selected category. If the category is a resource with a service order, then the pane displays the service type and the start and end times for the category. If the category is catering, then the pane also displays the estimated count, guaranteed count, and actual count for the booking detail.

  6. In the middle pane, select the booking detail that contains the items for which you want to change the count. The lower pane refreshes with a list of all the non-invoiced items for the selected detail. 
  7. To edit the count information for any booking detail or detail item, click in a field and make edits. Repeat needed for each booking.
  8. When finished, click Close.


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