EMS Main Window

The EMS main window is your starting point for the EMS application. The window provides quick access to all the EMS functions (Reservations, Reports, Configuration, and so on) and system tools. The EMS Main window has four major components:

Title Bar 

The name of the software, EMS Software, and the version number of the application appear in the title bar across the top of the main window.

Menu Bar 

The menu bar is set up in a standard Windows menu format with menu commands grouped into menus (File, Settings, Reservations, and so on) across the menu bar. Some of these menu commands are also available in the main menu.


The toolbar provides quick access to the most commonly used functions. The toolbar buttons that are always displayed by default are the buttons for Book, Calendar, Wizard, Navigator, Browser, Everyday User Reservations, Clients, Email, Dashboard, and Manage Services. Other buttons for other functions are also displayed by default depending on the version of EMS that you are running, for example, EMS Academic Planning or EMS Workplace. Some of the functions that are available on the toolbar are also available from the main menu. You can customize the appearance of this toolbar to best suit your business needs. See Also: Toolbar Buttons.

Main Menu

The main menu gives you access to the main EMS functions: Reservations, Reports, Billing, Configuration, and System Administration.

The main menu is arranged in a hierarchical folder structure. The top-level folders are the system functions of Reservations, Reports, Billing, Billing, Configuration, and System Administration. The available tasks for each top-level folder are further organized into subfolders. For example, to perform a system administration task, you must first open the top-level System Administration folder, and then open the correct subfolder to view the list of available tasks.

You can always close the main menu by clicking the Close button in the upper right corner. To open the main menu again, on the menu bar, click File > Show Main Menu.


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