Attachments in the Navigator

An attachment is a file that you upload and store with a reservation or booking. A drawing is different in that it is a file referenced from your database. 

Learn to Configure Additional Information for a Group.

  1. In the Navigator, open the parent reservation. 

  2. Select a reservation or booking. 

  3. In the upper right pane of the Navigator, click the Attachments tab.

  4. To work with an existing attachment, select it and the use the EditDelete, and View buttons.

    To add a new attachment, click New.
    For new attachments, in the Attachment window that opens, enter a Description (or leave blank to use the filename), choose a Type (if any), and add your own Notes. If you want the attachment to show for Everyday Users, click the Display on Web option. To attach a file, click the Search icon. 

  5. Click OK.


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