Terms and Conditions Tab

Before users can submit reservations through the EMS Web App, they must agree to the Terms and Conditions that you specify on the Terms and Conditions tab.

You can format a Terms and Conditions message that displays in the EMS Web App when an Everyday User selects a room.

  1. On the Everyday User Process Template dialog select the Terms and Conditions tab.
  1. Select Design or HTML.
    • Design – Selected by default and uses the standard Windows plain text formatting options to format the message. The message displays the way that you want in the Terms and Conditions.
    • HTML – To use the HTML option, select the button and enter the HTML code to format the message to display it the way that you want in the Terms and Conditions.
  2. Continue with other configuration for the templates as needed.
  3. To save changes, click OK.
  4. For an Everyday User to be able to view and use this template, assign the user to the template.


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