EMS Kiosk App System Parameters

From the All Applications tab of the Parameters dialog, you can configure the following parameters for EMS Kiosk: Everyday Users linked to Groups via External Reference, Building Title Plural, Building Title Singular, Group Title Plural, Group Title Singular, Room Title Plural, and Room Title Singular.

Parameters for the EMS Kiosk App are broken into the following areas:

Floor Plans

Title Description Value
Floor Plan Web Service URL The full URL for the web service used by the optional Floor Plan Configuration module.  
Show Availability Indicators on Locate Space When set to YES, availability indicators show on floor plan images in EMS Kiosk. YES/NO
Show Floor Plan Module in Kiosk If enabled, the optional Floor Plan module can display in EMS Kiosk. YES/NO


Title Description Value
Allow Check In From Kiosk If set to YES, allows a user to check in to a workspace from EMS Workplace. YES/NO
Enable Group Type Filtering on Make Reservation If set to YES, enables feature filtering and/or room type filtering by group type on the Make a Reservation page. YES/NO
Group Type Filtering Space Label on Make Reservation The label used if group type filtering is enabled.  

Make Reservation

Title Description Value
Booking Duration Set By Specific End Time Or Number Of Hours Whether to set meeting end time by number of hours or specific end time. Defaults to "Specific End Time." "Number of Hours" uses the value from the "Default End Time for New Reservation" parameter (the start time + the Number of Hours value, rounded to the nearest 0, 15, 30, 45).  Specific End Time
Number of Hours
Conflict Status for New Reservation The status that is applied to bookings that are in conflict with an existing booking.  
Default End Time for New Reservation The daily end time for new reservations. This setting is only used if the parameter Allow Start/End Time Editing is set to “No,” or if multi-day bookings are allowed.  
Default Event Name for New Reservation The default name for new reservations that are created through EMS Kiosk The %USER% text is a variable that is replaced with the group name. You can remove this variable.  
Default Search = Floor Map on Make Reservation If set to YES, then when an EMS Kiosk user searches for available rooms, the floor plan view is used for the default results. YES/NO
Default Start Time for New Reservation The default start time for new reservations that are created through EMS Kiosk. This setting is only used if the parameter Allow Start/End Time Editing is set to NO, or if multi-day bookings are allowed.  
Display Start/End Time Drop Downs If set to YES, the Start Time and End Time field lists are displayed on the Make Reservation page. If set to NO, the default start and end times are used for bookings. YES/NO
Enable Everyday User Process Template Security If set to YES, the user's web process templates in addition to the rooms that are configured in the kiosk profile are used to determine which rooms are displayed on the Make Reservation page. YES/NO
Event Type for New Reservation The event type that is applied to reservations created through EMS Kiosk.  
Number of days forward from today to allow a start date The number of days in the future that bookings can be made.  
Number of Future Concurrent Days Allowed for New Reservation The number of days in the future that bookings can be made.  
Number Of Hours For Booking The default number of hours to use when setting the Booking Duration", values from 0.5 to 12.  
Reservation Source for New Reservation The reservation source that is applied to reservations created through EMS Kiosk.  
Status for New Reservation The status that is applied to reservations created through the EMS Kiosk.  
Time Drop Down Increment The time increment that is used on Time field.

5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes


Title Description Value
Browser Title The text that is displayed in the title bar of the Kiosk browser.  
Default Page The first page that first opens in EMS Kiosk or that is displayed when EMS Kiosk times-out.  
Display Cancel Button for Group Searches If set to YES, the Cancel button is displayed for group searches, allowing the user to cancel a search. YES/NO
Enable Stand-by Mode on Timeout If set to YES, then EMS Kiosk goes into Standby-by Mode (a Stand By button is displayed) after timing out. YES/NO
Location Format Select from Building Code, Room or Room Description or Building Description, Room or Room Description.  
Max Booking/Availability Records Returned The maximum number of rooms that are displayed when making a reservation.  
Max Records Returned for Group Searches The maximum number of records returned when searching for a group.  
Page Timeout (seconds) The period of inactivity in EMS Kiosk, after which the default page is displayed.  

My Reservations

Title Description Value
Allow User to Cancel Booking If set to YES, then users can cancel bookings from the Reservations page. YES/NO
Allow User to Cancel/End Booking outside of Kiosk Profile If enabled, users can cancel or end a booking outside of using their EMS Kiosk profiles. YES/NO
Allow User to End Booking  If set to YES, then users can end their bookings from the My Reservations page. YES/NO
Cancel Status The status that is applied to canceled bookings.


Same Day Booking Cancellation Cutoff (minutes) Specifies the number of minutes in advance of an event that it's booking can be canceled.  
Future Booking Cancellation Cutoff (days) Specifies the number of days in advance of an event that it's booking can be canceled.  


Title Description Value
Group Field used for "Exact Match" Authentication The field that is compared with the ID that the user enters: External Reference, Badge Number, Personnel Number (all of these are group settings). This parameter is used in conjunction with the Primary User Authentication Type parameter, which must be set to Exact Match.

External Reference

Badge Number

Personnel Number

Network ID

Email Address

Primary User Authentication Type

The options are as follows:

  • Badge – Exact match of badge ID values. Values can be nvarchar up to 150 characters.
  • Standard – Partial names are enough for a match, and all groups that match are listed.
  • Exact Match – The ID entered must exactly match what is set in the parameter Group Field Used for “Exact Match” Authentication.
  • LDAP – Both the user's network ID and password must be entered.


Exact Match

Require Authentication for all Kiosk Functions Requires users to identify themselves before using EMS Kiosk. Used for kiosks in a public location where an exact user ID match is needed.  
Require Timeout/Logoff to Terminate User Session The default is Yes. If set to Yes, a user session is terminated when the user logs off or when the session times out. The length of timeout is set using the Page Timeout (seconds) parameter. If set to No, a user session is ended when the user returns to Main Menu. YES/NO
Secondary User Authentication Type (Only used if "Badge" is primary security) (Used only if “Badge” is primary security). Alternate authentication method that is used when a user doesn't have his/her badge.

Exact Match

Show 10 Key As Modal Used with the Use 10-Key Keyboard for Authentication parameter. Displays 10-key keyboard as a modal popup on the page. YES/NO
Use 10-Key Keyboard for Authentication Uses a numeric 10-key numeric keyboard instead of the full keyboard. YES/NO

Today's Events

Title Description Value
Default Sort Column If set to YES, sets Today's Events to sort (in Ascending/Descending order) by Start Time, End Time, Event Name, Employee Name, Location, and Has Map. Defaults to NO.  
Display Building Drop Down  If set to YES, users can filter by building on the Today's Events page. YES/NO
Display Event Name Search If set to YES, then the Search for Events button is displayed on the Today’s Events page. YES/NO
Display Floor Drop Down If set to YES, users can filter by floor on the Today's Events page. YES/NO
Display Room Type Drop Down If set to YES, users can filter by room type on the Today's Events page. YES/NO
Drop Events in Past If set to YES, then events that occurred before the current day’s time are not displayed on the Today's Events page. YES/NO


(missing or bad snippet)