All Application Parameters

Parameters for all applications within EMS are organized by the following areas:


Title Description Value Example

Default Rounding Method for Hourly Pricing

Specify the time increment, from one minute to sixty minutes, by which to round the time for hourly pricing.


If the setting is set to 15 minutes, nearest, and a booking is made from 9:00 am - 10:20 am, the room will be billed for 1.25 hours.    If the booking is from 9 am - 10:25 am, the room will be billed at 1.5 hours because it is being billed at the nearest "15 minutes."

ClosedGroups & Contacts

Title Description Value Example

Allow Desktop Client User to Change External Reference

If turned on, an EMS Desktop Client user can change the External Reference values on Group and Contact records. Customers using HR Toolkit are strongly encouraged to disable this parameter so as not to disrupt the automatic association of these records with Everyday User records.


Everyday Users linked to Groups via External Reference

If set to YES, this parameter links group and Everyday User records when making a new reservation in EMS.  The Everyday User field on the Reservation navigator is automatically populated  based on the group selected.


John Doe is a Group with an external reference of 123. John.doe@emssoftware is an Everyday User with an external reference of 123. If this parameter is set to YES, all reservations made from the EMS Desktop Client that have John Doe as the Group will also have John Doe as the Everyday User "tied" to it. The Everyday User, John Doe, will be able to log in to the EMS Web App and see the bookings made for John Doe from the EMS Desktop Client.


Title Description Value Example

Area Title Plural

The plural label for the Area field.


Regions, Zones, Campuses

Area Title Singular The singular label for the Area field.    
Billing Reference Title Plural The plural label for the Billing Reference field.    
Billing Reference Title Singular The singular label for the Billing Reference field.   Client Matter Number, Charge Number
Building Title Plural The plural label for the Building field.   Offices
Building Title Singular The singular label for the Building field.   Offices
Confirmation Grand Total Title The label for the Grand Total field on a Confirmation report.   Full Amount Due
Confirmation Subtotal Title The label for the Subtotal field on a Confirmation report.    
Group Title Plural The plural label of the Group field. The Group field refers to people or within your organization or external entities who hold events in your facility (e.g., Employees, Departments, Clients, Customers, etc.).   Hosts, Employees, Customers, Organizations
Group Title Singular The singular label of the Group field. The Group field refers to people within your organization who hold events in your facility (e.g., Employees, Departments, Clients, Customers, etc).    

PO Number Title Plural

The plural label for the PO Number field.

PO Number Title Singular The singular label for the PO Number field.   GL Code (or any other name that a customer might want to use). This field is sometimes used for things unrelated to a Purchase Order.

Room Size Title

The label for a Room's Size field.


Sq. Feet, Meters

Room Title Plural

The plural label of the Room field. The Room field refers to reservable spaces within your organization.   Locations, Spaces
Room Title Singular The singular label of the Room field. The Room field refers to reservable spaces within your organization.    


Title Description Value Example
Group Bookings by UTC times and keep together on Video Conference Reservations If enabled, any changes made to a booking belonging to a Video Conference occurrence cascade to the other related bookings within the occurrence. It is strongly recommended that this parameter be enabled if you plan to use EMS for video conference management in multiple rooms.   Typically set to YES. This parameter applies to EMS Desktop Client. Video Conference-enabled template bookings on the EMS Web App already are linked and cannot be edited individually.
Max Length for Event Name The maximum number of characters, including spaces, that a user can enter in the Event Name field when creating or editing a new reservation.    
Update Billing Information When Changing Group If set to YES, this parameter automatically updates the billing information when a user selects a different group for a reservation.   This applies to EMS Desktop Client and EMS Web App if parameter is set to YES. If Parameter is set to NO, this parameter will only work in the EMS Desktop Client.
Update Room Charge When Room Changes If set to YES, automatically updates the room charge when a user selects a different room for a reservation.   Works on both EMS Desktop Client and EMS Web App.   If parameter is set to YES and room is changed, the room charge will change. If parameter is set to NO and room gets changed, the room charge will NOT change; the room charge will remain the same.   Example:
1201 = 10/hour 1202 = 15/hour
If room is changed from "room 1201" to "room 1202," the room charge will remain 10/hour on booking if this parameter is set to NO for EMS Web App OR EMS Desktop Client.


Title Description Value Example
Allow Access To System Check Pages From Any Machine? If disabled, access to SystemCheck.aspx for all applications (except the EMS Web App) is limited to the web server. As of the June 2014 release, the EMS Web App will no longer have a SystemCheck.aspx page.    
EMS Web Application Hyperlink Text Controls the text for the EMS Web App URL hyperlink in automatic confirmation emails (Configuration > Everyday User Applications > Everyday User Process Templates > ConfirmationSummary tab).    
EMS Web Application URL The EMS Web App URL that is displayed in emails related to the EMS Web App, as well as EMS Group Notifications that include cancellation and reconfirmation links.    


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