Everyday User Applications

Parameters for Everyday User Applications are broken out into the following areas:

ClosedAccount Management

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Allow Email My Password Allows Everyday Users to email their passwords to themselves. YES/NO Typically set to NO if customer is using Single Sign On.
Allow Everyday User to Opt-Out of Automatic Emails Allows Everyday Users to specify if they want to receive or opt out of any automatic emails (e.g., automatic confirmations or cancellations) from EMS Web App. YES/NO Everyday Users can log into the EMS Web App, navigate to My Account, and click the box "I do not want to receive e-mails from EMS Software" if this parameter is set to YES.
Auto Create Everyday User Account (for Integrated Authentication) An Everyday User account is automatically created via the integrated authentication process if a new user accesses the EMS Everyday User Application. (EMS Web App) YES/NO  
Automatically Set Everyday User Time Zone to First Buildings Time Zone On Login After an Everyday User logs in, the time zone for the user is set to the time zone for the first building that is stored in the EMS database. If this building, however, is not listed on the Locations field, then the time zone is set to the first available time zone on the Time Zone field, but the user can always select a different value if one is available. YES/NO Everyday Users can log into the EMS Web App, navigate to My Account, and set Time Zone preference.
Default Account Status for Newly-Created User Default status (Active or Pending) for new Everyday User accounts, regardless of account creation method. Active/Pending  
Default Security Template for User The default Web Security template that is assigned to new Everyday Users when their account is created.   Dependent on what Security Templates have been created. Parameter must be populated before the EMS Web App can be used.
Manual Account Creation - Password Reset Email Email text sent as a security measure to an Everyday User who has requested reset of their account password. Not recommended for organizations who use integrated authentication.    
Manual Account Creation - Password Reset Success Email Email text sent to an Everyday User to confirm reset of their password. Not recommended for organizations who use integrated authentication.    
Manual Account Creation - Request Received Email Email text sent to a potential web app user to confirm their request for an account has been received. Applicable to organizations whose allow account requesting instead of automatic account creation.    
Manual Account Creation - Sign Up Confirmation Email Email text sent to a potential web app user as a security measure to confirm their request for an account. Applicable to organizations whose allow automatic account creation instead of account requesting.    
Manual Account Creation - Sign Up Success Email Email text sent to a new EMS Web App user to confirm their account has been created and is active. Email is sent as a result of the user selecting the link within the sign up confirmation email. Applicable to organizations whose allow automatic account creation instead of account requesting.    
Require Phone during account creation Requires the potential Everyday User to complete Phone 1 during manual account creation.    


Title Description Value Example/Notes

Field to use with MS Teams Integration

The field selected in the Field to use with MS Teams Integration system parameter is the value used to identify the current user when creating a Teams meeting via Web App.

Email Address/External Reference/Network ID


Enable persistent authentication for supported applications     For Everyday User applications that support authentication that is not through EMS Platform Services, this parameter allows users to remain authenticated across sessions.
Field Used to Authenticate Everyday User Indicates the field (Email Address, Network ID, or External Reference) that is used to authenticate an Everyday User.    
Label for Login box The label for the User ID field on the Login page.   User ID, E-Mail address
Portal Authentication Cookie Key Appropriate variable to be used if Portal Authentication is enabled by your organization and the parameter Portal Authentication Method is set to "Cookie."    
Portal Authentication Email Variable Variable to be used if Portal Authentication is enabled and the parameter Portal Authentication Method is set to "ServerVariable."     
Portal Authentication External Reference Variable Variable to be used if Portal Authentication is enabled and the parameter Portal Authentication Method is set to "ServerVariable."     
Portal Authentication Fax Variable Variable to be used if Portal Authentication is enabled and the parameter Portal Authentication Method is set to "ServerVariable."     
Portal Authentication Method Method of Portal Authentication to be used, if enabled by your organization. Choices are Form, Server Variable, Session, Querystring, and Cookie.     
Portal Authentication Name Variable Variable to be used if Portal Authentication is enabled and the parameter Portal Authentication Method is set to "ServerVariable."     
Portal Authentication Phone Variable Variable to be used if Portal Authentication is enabled and the parameter Portal Authentication Method is set to "ServerVariable."     
Portal Authentication Variable User variable to be compared against the EMS Everyday User External Reference or Network ID fields if your organization has enabled Portal Authentication. This parameter works in tandem with the choice selected for the parameter Portal Authentication Method (Form, Session, ServerVariable, Cookie, Querystring).    
Use SAML 2.0 Authentication for User Authentication Web App Only      

ClosedBooking Details

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Make Add to Personal Calendar Link Appear If enabled, the Add to Personal Calendar link is displayed when the Everyday User views the event details in either Reservation Summary or Reservation Details - Reservation Tasks   If this is an Exchange-enabled template, the booking (s) will already be on the Everyday User's calendar. Having this enabled allows end users to add a booking they just made to their calendar if the template is not "exchange enabled." Keep in mind, if the Everyday User changes or cancels the booking(s), the booking(s) remain on the calendar - (if using this method).
Show Social Networking Options If set to “Yes,” then displays links to various social networking sites when a user views the details of a booking.   From Browse Events, on the calendar - allows user to add events to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linked In, Tumbler - by clicking on "share" from the Event.  Not typically used by Corporate customers.

ClosedBrowse Events

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Browse Event Default Display Format Determines the initial format in which the Browse Events function displays information. Options are: Daily, Weekly, Monthly.   Typically set to Daily.
Collapse Related Bookings to Start Times on Weekly/Monthly Views If more than one booking within a reservation takes place on the same day, enabling this parameter will collapse the bookings into a single entry per Start Time. Only applies to Weekly and Monthly view.  YES/NO If a reservation has two bookings starting at same time and this parameter is set to YES, then the booking will be listed once with "multiple bookings" under the title.
Hide Past Events From View If enabled, events from the past will no longer appear in Browse Events. YES/NO  
Maximum Number of Events/Day to Display in Daily View

Controls the number of events that are available for display, per day, in the daily views of the Browse Events function. 

The maximum number of events that will display in this view at a time is 250.

In some circumstances, you need to click a link to view additional events.

Maximum Number of Events/Day to Display in Monthly View

Controls the number of events that are available for display, per day, in the monthly views of the Browse Events function.

In some circumstances, you must click a link to see additional events.

Maximum Number of Events/Day to Display in Weekly View

Controls the number of events that are available for display, per day, in the weekly views of the Browse Events function.

In some circumstances, you must click a link to see additional events.

Show End Time in Browse Events If this option is set to NO, only start time is shown in Browse Events. YES/NO Typically set to YES.  
Show Group Name in Daily View of Browse Events If set to YES, then the name of the group that is holding an event is shown in Browse Events. YES/NO There are some cases when EMS customers do not want the Group to be displayed on Browse Events.
Show Group Type Filter in Browse Events If set to YES, then the group type filter is an option in Browse Events. YES/NO There are some cases when EMS customers do not want the Group Type to be displayed on Browse Events.
Show Location on Browse Events If set to YES, then the event location is displayed in the calendar view on the Browse Events page. YES/NO  
Show Room Type Filter in Browse Events If set to YES, then a Room Type filter is displayed on the Browse Events page. YES/NO Typically set to NO if all the rooms in the template have the same "room type."

ClosedBrowse Locations

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Room Name Format in Browse Locations Determines how room information is formatted in Browse Locations. Options are Room Description or Room Code Room Description/Room Code  

ClosedCreate/Manage Reservations

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Allow Temporary Contacts If set to YES, then a user can specify a temporary contact when making a reservation. Temporary contacts are not saved to the Group record.    A "temporary contact" is one in which an Everyday User types in the name of a contact. Might be used in the case where the regular contact is not applicable to this meeting (e.g., this is the "back up contact").
Attachments Allowed Extensions The allowed attachment types for room requests.    
Attachments Allowed on Room Request Controls whether users can submit an attachment as part of creating a reservation.   WARNING: These attachments are stored in the EMS Database.
Billing Reference Validation Controls what options exist for requiring and validating Billing References. Validation occurs against pre-configured Billing References in the EMS Desktop Client, either on a Group record or in the global Billing References list under Configuration > Billing > Billing References.    
Default Cancel Reason Whatever "reason" is selected, when a person cancels a booking, this will be the reason.  Additionally, there is a report that the cancel reasons can be seen.    
Default Pricing Plan Indicates the default pricing plan that is used to display pricing.   If "Show Room Pricing" and/or "Show Resource Pricing" are set to YES, then the prices that are displayed on the EMS Web App are based on whatever Pricing Plan is set in this parameter.
Default Room Availability View When a user searches for available rooms, this parameter drives the default display. Options are Grid, List or Floor Map. Grid/List/Floor Map Everyday Users can override by logging into the EMS Web App, navigating to My Account > Personalization, choosing a template and editing. Everyday Users can change default display.
Default Value for Attendance     Often on a template created for booking a workspace, this is defaulted to "1" so that the Everyday User does not have to input a number. Reduces steps/clicks.
Delay for Type Ahead Search Trigger (ms) Affects all type-ahead search fields. Administrators can specify the duration after the last keystroke entry before triggering the search call for attendees. The default is 400 ms. 400 ms, 600 ms, 800 ms, or 1000 ms This parameter enables administrators to specify a longer duration after the last keystroke entry to prevent performance issues when returning attendee results.
Exclude Closures From Date Calculations If set to YES, closures are not taken into account on booking rule date calculations.   If set to YES, the date of the building closure is ignored and skipped when calculating date range booking rules.
Exclude Weekends From Date Calculations If set to YES, weekends are not taken into account on booking rule date calculations.   If set to YES, weekends are ignored and skipped when calculating date range booking rules. Weekend is defined as Saturday and Sunday.
Hide Daily Recurrence Option Hide the daily recurrence option on the Room Request page. YES/NO If set to YES, the Everyday User will not be able to make a daily recurrence reservation on the EMS Web App. "Daily" will not be in the dropbox.
Hide Monthly Recurrence Option Hide the monthly recurrence option on the Room Request page. YES/NO If set to YES, the Everyday User will not be able to make a monthly recurrence reservation on the EMS Web App.  "Monthly" will not be in the dropbox.
Hide Random Recurrence Option Hide the random recurrence option on the Room Request page. YES/NO If set to YES, the Everyday User will not be able to make a random recurrence reservation on the EMS Web App (e.g., Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday).
Hide Weekly Recurrence Option Hide the weekly recurrence option on the Room Request page. YES/NO If set to YES, the Everyday User will not be able to make a weekly recurrence reservation on the EMS Web App.  "Weekly" will not be in the dropbox.
If set to yes, user will be able to lookup Billing References If set to YES, a user can look up pre-configured Billing References in the Reservation Details. Pre-configured Billing References can exist in the EMS Desktop Client on a Group record or in the global Billing References list under Configuration > Billing > Billing References. YES/NO  
If set to yes, user will be able to lookup PO Numbers If set to YES, a user can look up pre-configured PO Numbers in the Reservation Details. Pre-configured PO Numbers can exist in the EMS Desktop Client on the Group record or in the global PO Numbers list under Configuration > Billing > PO Numbers. YES/NO  
Minimum Characters to Initiate Type Ahead Search Affects the Find Attendees search field in calendar-enabled templates (Exchange and Google Workspace). Administrators can specify the minimum character count to initiate type-ahead searches. The default is 3 characters. Positive Integer This parameter enables administrators to set the minimum character search length at a higher value to prevent performance issues when returning attendee results. Updates recommended only for organizations with complex Exchange or Google Workspace deployments.
Number of Available Rooms upon Search

Specify the number of available rooms listed at a time in search results in EMS Web App only.

This parameter is ignored in EMS for Outlook. 


  Limiting the number of rooms displayed in a search results can assist in performance and a better user experience if a template or search criteria would return 1000's of results.   The recommended setting is 250.
Only Display Rooms That Exact Match Search Criteria   YES/NO Typically set to YES.   If set to NO, rooms that are not part of the exact search criteria are displayed. This attempts to prevent the Everyday User from coming up with no results.  
Override Default Room Setup/Teardown Times Ability to override the setup and tear down time configured on the room. YES/NO If set to “YES, the default setup/teardown times defined for a room are ignored and the values for Setup Time in Minutes for All Rooms and Teardown Time in Minutes for All Rooms parameters are used instead. These parameters are usually configured for video conference (VC) bookings where setup/teardown times for participating rooms can differ.      This parameter works in tandem with "Setup Time in Minutes for All Rooms" and "TeardownTime in Minutes for All Rooms".
PO Number Validation Controls what options exist for requiring and validating PO Numbers. Validation occurs against pre-configured PO Numbers in the EMS Desktop Client, either on a Group record or in the global PO Numbers list under Configuration > Billing > PO Numbers.   OPTIONS:  No Validation;    Required but not Validated = PO number is required on EMS Web App and EMS for Outlook but is not validated against pre-configured PO numbers;                     Required and Validated = PO Number is required on EMS Web App and EMS for Outlook and is validated against pre-configured PO numbers.        Works in tandem with Show PO Number on Reservation.
Require Contact Email Specify NO or YES to require contact email at checkout. YES/NO  
Require Contact Phone Specify NO or YES to require a contact phone number at checkout. YES/NO  
Reservation Comment Type on Checkout Reservation-level Comment to be displayed in the Reservation Details when creating a Reservation. Comment must be configured to Display on Web and include Display Text. Only one Reservation-level Comment per Web Process Template allowed. Comments are configured in the EMS Desktop Client under Configuration > Other > Comment Types   This might be used by a customer to capture more information about the Event. Example a Comment might be created called "Event Details" and Everyday User could type in more information about the event.
Reservation Source for New Reservation Specify the only reservation source for all reservations made through the EMS Web App.   EMS Web App
Setup Time in Minutes For All Rooms If enabled, the default setup time defined for a room is ignored and this parameter's value is used instead. The parameter Override Default Room Setup/Teardown Times must also be enabled. This parameter is usually configured for video conference (VC) reservations where setup/teardown times for participating rooms can differ.    If enabled, the default setup time defined for a room is ignored and this parameter's value is used instead. The parameter Override Default Room Setup/Teardown Times must also be enabled. This parameter is usually configured for VC reservations where setup/teardown times for participating rooms can differ.
Setup Type Validation Rule

Determines how Setup Type and Attendance are displayed and handled against room capacities. Four options are available:

  • No Setup and No Validation – Do not show the Setup Type field and do not validate the Attendance value against room minimum and maximum capacities.
  • Validate But Don't Show – Do not show the Setup Type field but validate the Attendance value against room minimum and maximum capacities.
  • Show and Validate – Show the Setup Type field and validate the Attendance and Setup Type against all Setup Type and Capacity pairings for rooms.
  • Show But Don't Validate – Show the Setup Type field but do not validate Setup Type or Attendance.
Show 2nd Contact If set to YES, then the 2nd Contact Name, Phone 1, Phone 2, and Email Address fields are displayed in the Reservation Details.    
Show Additional Filters Initially If set to YES, then by default, room searching filters are made immediately available to the everyday user. In the EMS Web App, filters are available under "Let Me Search for a Room." YES/NO  
Show Attendance on Room Request Controls whether the Number of People field appears as part of searching for a Room. YES/NO Typically set to NO on a "Book a Workspace" template and default attendance is set to 1.
Show Billing Reference on Reservation If set to YES, the Billing Reference is displayed in the Reservation Details. YES/NO  
Show Feature Filter Controls whether Features appear as a search criterion for a room. YES/NO Typically set to NO if no features have been defined on the rooms.
Show Floor Filter Controls whether Floors appear as a search criterion for a room. YES/NO Typically set to NO if all rooms in the template are on the same floor.
Show PO Number on Reservation If set to YES, the PO Number is displayed in the Reservation Details. YES/NO  
Show Room Pricing If enabled, room pricing will be displayed per the selection in the Default Pricing Plan parameter. YES/NO  
Show Room Type Filter Controls whether Room Types appear as a search criteria for a room. YES/NO Typically set to NO if all rooms in the template are the same room type.
Teardown Time in Minutes For All Rooms If enabled, the default teardown time defined for a room is ignored and this parameter's value is used instead. The parameter Override Default Room Setup/Teardown Times must also be enabled. This parameter is usually configured for video conference (VC) reservations where setup/teardown times for participating rooms can differ.    If enabled, the default teardown time defined for a room is ignored and this parameter's value is used instead. The parameter Override Default Room Setup/Teardown Times must also be enabled. This parameter is usually configured for VC reservations where setup/teardown times for participating rooms can differ.
Validation of Building Hours Controls whether Building Hours are enforced based on the Booking's Event Time or Reserved Time (i.e., the setup and/or teardown time surrounding the booking). Reserved Time or Event Time Parameter is set to Reserved Time. Building hours are 9 am - 4 pm. Setup time configured on room X is set to 30 minutes. Everyday User will not be able to book room at 9 am because the setup time is 30 minutes before building is "open."
Warn User if Room Selected is Not Available for All Dates If enabled, a user will be alerted by a pop up, if a selected room is not available for all requested dates. YES/NO Typically set to YES.


Title Description Value Example/Notes
Default Subject for Email This entry appears in the Subject line of email the reservation summary email that is generated when an Everyday User submits a reservation. Parameter Send Request Summary upon Submit must be enabled, and a reservation summary email must be configured. See Also: Configure Email Settings.   Request Summary, Event Summary, etc.
Email Address of Sender This entry indicates the “From” email address in the reservation summary email that is generated when an Everyday User submits a reservation. Parameter Send Request Summary upon Submit must be enabled, and a reservation summary email must be configured.    
Format for Request Summary Specify a detailed or summarized report for the reservation summary email that is generated when an Everyday User submits a reservation. Parameter Send Request Summary upon Submit must be enabled, and a reservation summary email must be configured.  Detail Summary Mobile Friendly  
Name of Email Sender Indicates the "From" name in the reservation summary email generated when an everyday user creates a reservation. Parameter Send Request Summary upon Submit must be enabled, and a reservation summary email must be configured. Navigate to Configuration > Everyday User Applications > Everyday User Process Templates and highlight the template. Select Confirmation.    
Send Confirmation on Cancel Sends the reservation summary if the reservation or a booking is canceled.    
Send Request Summary upon Submit Determines whether reservation summary information is emailed to the Everyday Users when a reservation is submitted. A reservation summary email must be configured at the Everyday User Template/Confirmation level. YES/NO Typically set to YES.

ClosedEmail - Settings

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Account to Use for Sending Email The email account against which outgoing email from EMS is authenticated. Only required if the SMTP mail server requires authentication.    
Name or IP Address of SMTP Server SMTP mail server used solely for emails related to everyday user application functionality. This mail server does not apply to emails generated within the EMS Desktop Client or by any email notification service.    
Password of Email Account The password for the email account. Only required if the SMTP mail server requires authentication.    
SMTP Server Port The default email port for your SMTP server.    

ClosedEMS for Outlook - Specific

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Display Filters before showing Rooms Enables you to choose whether to filter the rooms displayed. Yes/No Filtering rooms provides a better user experience, especially for large organizations with multiple locations.

Number of Available Rooms upon Search in Outlook

Controls the maximum number of room search results. Numeric (<500) For optimal performance, set to 50 or less.

Show Attendees in Book

Enables you to choose whether to show attendees on the Schedule view.


It is a best practice to set this to Yes.

Edit Text to display under icon in EMS for Outlook

Customizes your EMS for Outlook icon.


Only available in versions later than V44.1.

Text to append to EMS for Outlook meetings

Adds text to meetings created using the EMS for Outlook add-in.


Can be plain text with a 50 character limit; HTML is not supported. The text you enter will be added to the meeting body.

Hide EMS ID in EMS for Outlook Enables you to hide the EMS ID in the meeting body of an EMS for Outlook appointment. Yes/No  

ClosedFloor Mapping

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Floor Plan Web Service URL Used for the EMS Floor Plan module. URL address for the floor mapping web service.   https://localhost/room-diagramming/diagramWS.asmx?WSDL



Title Description Value Example/Notes
ICS File (Calendar Appointment) Status If the user selects Add to Personal Calendar from their existing reservations, this parameter controls if the default calendar appointment status is Busy or Tentative.    
Location Format Determines how location information is displayed in Browse Events. Options are Room Code, Room Description, Building Code - Room Code, Building Code - Room Description, Building Description - Room Code, Building Description - Room Description, Building Description.    
Max Length for Text Fields

Introduced in Fall 2017 to mitigate a security vulnerability where the EMS Web App previously accepted an unlimited character count into certain fields.   This parameter applies to the following fields:

  • UDFs
  • Reservation Comments
  • Service Attendee Notes
  • Exchange Email Messages
  • Web Text  

This parameter does not apply to the LDAP Configuration page.


ClosedHome Page

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Default Home Page (Authenticated)

Controls which home page tab appears to Everyday Users—Site Home (help text record for Default.aspx) or My Home). This parameter only applies to authenticated users.

Default Home Page (Unauthenticated) Controls whether Site Home or My Home is the default tab when loading default.aspx. The default value of this parameter is Site Home. This parameter only applies to unauthenticated users.    
Enable "Show My Bookings" button Controls the enabling of the Show My Bookings button. No/Yes  
Show Infographics on My Home Controls whether the infographics about the Everyday Users' bookings appear on the My Home tab.    

ClosedIntegration to Microsoft Exchange

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Allow Single Day Requests for Unavailable Rooms Controls whether single day requests will be allowed for unavailable rooms Yes/No  
Enable “Add to Calendar” Checkbox by Default Controls whether the Add to Calendar check box is selected by default Yes/No  
Enable Microsoft Teams Integration Controls whether the Microsoft Teams add-in is enabled Yes/No  


Title Description Value Example/Notes
Event Title Plural If updating this parameter, it is recommended that the parameter Event Type Singular is also updated.   See Event Title Singular.
Event Title Singular If updating this parameter, it is recommended that the parameter Event Type Plural is also updated.   Appears on 3rd Screen of EMS Web App. Often titled "Event", "Meeting."

ClosedMy Events

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Allow Add Booking to Reservation If enabled, users can add bookings to existing Reservations. YES/NO Typically set to YES.
Allow Edit UDFs on Reservation If enabled, users can edit User Defined Field values for their existing Reservations.  YES/NO Typically set to YES.
Allow Reservation Edits If enabled, an Everyday User can edit reservation-level information on existing reservations, specifically, Event Name, Event Type, Group and Contact information, billing information, and a Comment (if one exists). YES/NO Typically set to YES.
My Events Default View Controls the default view of the My Events page in the EMS Web App. You can set the My Events page’s default view to either the Reservations tab or the Bookings tab. The default value for this parameter is Reservations. Reservations/Bookings Users who primarily manage Conference/Events would typically want the default view to be Reservations, and users who primarily manage Workspace/Self-Serve meetings would typically want the default view to be Bookings because viewing events by bookings reduces the number of selections required to check-in.
Require Cancellation Reason If enabled, users must provide a cancellation reason if they opt to cancel a booking. Cancel Reasons are configured within the EMS Desktop Client under Configuration > Other > Cancel Reasons, and a Cancel Reason must be enabled for the everyday user to appear as an option. YES/NO Typically set to NO.
Show Group Column on My Events If enabled, the Group column appears when a user is viewing a list of their Reservations. YES/NO Typically set to YES.
Show Send Invitation Link   YES/NO If set to NO, the Send Invitation option does not appear in Reservation Tasks on the View Reservation page in My Events. When enabled, the ics file is sent to the entered email address. If set to YES, the Send Invitation link is available in the Reservation Tasks. on the View Reservation page in My Events.
Show Service Availability Controls whether the View Service Availability option appears when managing an existing reservation. Service Availability includes cutoff times for services enabled for the everyday user as well as Building to which services are available.  YES/NO From My Events, select the Event. Under Reservation Tasks, users can see View Service Availability.

ClosedSchedule View

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Display Setup/Teardown Times If room has setup/teardown times they are always shown irrespective of this parameter. If disabled, then booking level setup/teardown time is not shown to the user. YES/NO  
Event Information to Display in Booking on Schedule View Determines what information should show in the free/busy bar in the Book. Options include: None, Event Name or Group Name.    
Ignore Room Display to Everyday Users Flag All bookings for all rooms are considered "Private" if this parameter is enabled. YES/NO If set to YES, the booking will display the label defined in PARAMETER: Label for Private Bookings on Schedule View.    
Label for "Private" Bookings on Schedule View The default label in Schedule View for events set to not display on the web (i.e., the bookings' Event Type and/or Status are not configured to display on the web).   "Private"
Sequence of Available Rooms upon Search Option for how rooms are sorted when a user is viewing rooms in the schedule view. Choices are alphabetically by Room Description or numerically by Book Sequence values are configured on the Rooms.     
Start Time on Schedule View Determines the start time for the grid. (Schedule View)   7 am


Title Description Value Example/Notes
Adjust Service Order Times upon Booking Edit If set to YES, then Service Order Times are automatically adjusted if the booking time is modified. YES/NO Typically set to YES.
Allow Edit of Services If this option is set to YES, users can edit the services they have added to events. YES/NO Typically set to YES.
Populate Service Setup with Attendance If enabled, the Estimated Count field for Catering-type Categories will be populated with the Attendance value. YES/NO  
Restrict Service Order Times Within Event Times If enabled, users cannot specify Service Order Start or End times outside of the event's Start and End times. YES/NO  
Set Service Time Default from the Event Time

If set to YES, then the service start/end times are set by default to the event start/end times.

This parameter is not enforced for EMS for Outlook. The service times will default to the event time when it is changed in EMS for Outlook.

Show Resource Pricing If enabled, resource pricing will be displayed per the selection in the Default Pricing Plan parameter. Yes/No  


Title Description Value Example/Notes
Platform Services API URL      

ClosedUnauthenticated Requests

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Allow Unauthenticated Users to Create Requests If enabled, unauthenticated users (i.e., guests) will have the option to request a room. The (unauthenticated user) Everyday User Process Template must also be configured in the EMS Desktop Client under Configuration > Everyday User Applications > Everyday User Process Templates.    
Allow Unauthenticated Users to Search for Room by Name If enabled, an unauthenticated user can specify a room as part of their request.    
Display Location Filters and Room Availability to Unauthenticated Users If enabled, an unauthenticated user can search for rooms and see room availability.    


(missing or bad snippet)