Configure Email Settings

The system administration email settings determine how your EMS implementation interacts with your organization’s email standard. After installation of your EMS system, configure these settings.

  1. Navigate to System Administration > SettingsEmail Settings

    The Email Settings dialog opens.

  2. Use one of the following methods to configure email:

    • Leave Use SMTP selected, and then enter the appropriate values for Mode, Server, and Port in the SMTP Email pane.

    • Select Use Microsoft Outlook Only.

    • Select Use SMTP for Mass Email Only Otherwise Use Microsoft Outlook, and then enter values for Mode, Server, and Port in the SMTP Email pane. Select this third option if you want to use Outlook or Lotus Notes for all of your individual emails but use the mass email function found in the Browser and the Calendar. If you select this option and you use Lotus Notes, then individual emails open in the mass email window, but they are still sent via Lotus Notes.

    • Select Use Lotus Notes. (available only if Lotus Notes is installed on your computer)

      Lotus Notes is no longer supported by EMS. The option is present for existing Legacy customers.

    • Select Use Gmail (requires additional settings).
  3. Click OK.


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