Install HR Toolkit

Upgrade Consideration

EMS V44.1 changes how Everyday Web Users are validated. If you have custom HR Toolkit scripts and are upgrading, these need to tested with the new Install to account for this change.

The installation and updating information in this topic do not apply to EMS Cloud Services customers. Learn more about the installation and updating of EMS software with Cloud Services.

  1. Get the installation files from your Professional Services Consultant.

  2. Install the HR Toolkit files.

Obtain the EMS HR Toolkit Installation Files

Please contact your Professional Services Consultant to obtain the following components:

  • HR Toolkit Staging Database installation file – SQL file creates the Staging Database and associated table(s).

  • HR Toolkit Update Script installation file – SQL file generates the HRTK_Update_Group stored procedure.

Install EMS HR Toolkit Files

Once you have obtained the installation files, perform the following steps on the MS SQL Server that hosts your EMS database Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

  1. Execute the HRTK Staging DB Install script against your master database. This will create the EMS_Staging database containing one table named tblPeople.

  2. Execute the HRTK Update script against your EMS database. This will create a stored procedure in your EMS database named HRTK_Update_Group.


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