Install the EMS Check-in Notification Service

If you encounter issues starting the service, visit the Knowledge Base available in Accruent Access for a possible solution or contact Customer Support.

To install the EMS Check-in Notification Service:

  1. Verify the prerequisite software is installed.

  2. Download the EMSCheckInNotificationSetup.msi onto the server that runs the service.

  3. Double-click EMSCheckInNotificationSetup.msi. Follow the on-screen prompts.
    We recommend that you accept the defaults.

  4. Within the Microsoft Windows Start menu, locate EMS Check-in Notification Service
    The EMS Check-in Notification Configuration dialog appears.

  5. Review and complete or change the following settings:

    • Mode – type of authentication to the SMTP server

    • SMTP Server – SMTP server name or IP address

    • Use Gmail – select if the organization uses Gmail as their mail server

    • Port Number – SMTP port (default = 25)

    • Use SSL – select if your SMTP server runs under SSL

    • User Name/Password – required if an authentication mode other than Unauthenticated is selected

    • Email Interval – the frequency with which the system generates notification emails.
      If the interval is set to 0 minutes, the service will not function. We recommend that the interval is set to 10 to 15 minutes.

  6. In the Databases section of the dialog, you can see a sample server and database (named ‘server’ and ‘database’). Select this entry, click Edit, and change the values to your EMS server and database name.

  7. In Notification Database > Database tab, complete the following:

    • Server/Database – EMS server and database name

    • EMS Authentication/Windows Authentication – the method of authentication to this database

    • Email From – email address displayed in the From field of notification emails that are sent

    • Enable Service Event Logging – activates Windows event logging

  8. After making your entries, click OK.

  9. Click OK again to save your EMS Check-in Notification Configuration settings.


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