Manage Everyday Users For Integrated Authentication

To make a reservation in EMS Everyday User Applications, such as EMS Web App and EMS for Outlook, a user must have an active Everyday User account with appropriate security and process templates. 

In EMS, you can create Everyday User accounts.

ClosedManually Create Everyday User Accounts

Who can create Everyday User accounts manually? EMS Administrators within EMS Desktop Client or anonymous Everyday Users on their EMS Everyday Applications.

To create Everyday User accounts in the EMS Desktop Client, see Configure Everyday Users.

To configure EMS Web App to allow anonymous Everyday Users to request an account, you adjust parameters.

When manually creating an Everyday User account in an Integrated Authentication environment, you must specify a value in the Everyday User Network ID field or the External Reference field. The Field Used to Authenticate Everyday User parameter within System Administration > SettingsParameters> Everyday User Applications tab is used to determine the value to be used for authentication.

ClosedAutomatically Create Everyday User Accounts 

Various configuration settings are available to automatically create Everyday User records and assign the appropriate Security and Process Templates when a user accesses an EMS Everyday User Application such as EMS Web App for the first time. 

EMS Web App Parameters 

Within the Everyday User Applications parameters area of the EMS desktop client System Administration > SettingsParameters> Everyday User Applications tab, the following parameters must be set accordingly:




Account Management

Auto Create Everyday User Account (for Integrated Authentication)


Account Management

Default Security Template for User

Must be specified

Account Management

Default Account Status for Newly-Created User


Portal/Federated Authentication Parameters

For organizations using Portal or Federated authentication, EMS supports a simple account provisioning strategy. When using Auto Create, EMS requires that a Everyday User account is provisioned with a name, an email address and a NetworkId, that is an authentication key. Otherwise, the user is redirected to the Account Management page and asked to manually enter the required information. In addition to the required fields, EMS also supports collecting phone, fax, and an external reference value. The parameters below are meant to help create a more complete Everyday User. The values for each of the parameters are to be determined by the information populated by your portal.





Portal Authentication Email Variable

Must be specified


Portal Authentication External Reference Variable

Must be specified


Portal Authentication Fax Variable

Must be specified


Portal Authentication Name Variable

Must be specified


Portal Authentication Phone Variable

Must be specified

HR Toolkit (only for EMS Workplace, EMS Campus, EMS Enterprise, EMS District, and EMS Legal) 

The HR Toolkit is an optional component that allows you to automate the creation and maintenance of Everyday User records in EMS using an outside employee data source like your HR system or another data store within your organization. Refer to HR Toolkit Installation Instructions for information. If you are not licensed for the HR Toolkit and want to learn more, contact your Account Executive.

Automatic Template Assignment to Users 

The Default Security Template for User parameter shown above is used to automatically assign the correct Everyday User Security Template to new Everyday User records.

You can automatically assign default Everyday User Process Templates when a new Everyday User account is created. To automatically assign a Everyday User Process Template to new Everyday Users, select the Available to New Everyday Users option within your Everyday User Process Templates (Configuration > Everyday User Applications > Everyday User Process Templates (Edit the template > Process Templates tab)).

EMS customers using the LDAP Authentication method can use an alternate method to assign a Everyday User Process Template to an Everyday User based on the LDAP Group(s) the user belongs. This approach can be used in addition to or in lieu of the Everyday User Process Template assignment approach discussed above. See LDAP Authentication for configuration instructions.

Modify Existing Everyday User Accounts 

Existing EMS Customers 

Before you activate any Integrated Authentication option,  Network ID or External Reference must be populated on all existing Everyday User records. Ignoring this step might result in duplicate Everyday User records.


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