Install and Execute the Facility Management Toolkit


The followings steps should be performed on the MS SQL Server that hosts your EMS database.

  1. Get the SQL files outlined in the Obtain the Installation Files section.
  2. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio execute the FMTK Staging DB Install.sql script against your master database. This will create the EMS_Staging database containing one table named tblRoom.
  3. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio execute the FMTK Update Script.sql script against your EMS database. This will create a stored procedure in your EMS database named FMTK_Update_Room


  1. Import records from your organization’s facility management system into the tblRoom table within the EMS_Staging database.

    Existing EMS clients wanting to implement the FM Toolkit must “synchronize” existing EMS rooms before activating the toolkit by adding a valid ExternalReference value in tblRoomIgnoring this step will result in duplicate records.

  2. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio execute the FMTK_Update_Room stored procedure.

    Step 2 (and Step 1 with assistance from your IT Department) can be scheduled to execute automatically using a SQL Job. Please refer to your MS SQL Server documentation for more information on creating and scheduling a SQL Job.


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