Configure and Verify EMS for EMS SOAP API Web Service Use

This topic provides information about:

Connect EMS Desktop Client to the EMS SOAP API Web Service

External applications require a predefined EMS User account to authenticate to the EMS SOAP API Web Service. The EMS User account should not be granted any rights within the EMS application itself.

  1. Launch the EMS client application and login with a user that has EMS administrator-level access.

  2. Go to System Administration > SecurityUsers.

  3. Click New

    The User page opens.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Name

    • User ID

    • Password

  5. On the Processes page, select the Special – EMS API Web Service Access process.

    If the Special – EMS API Web Service Access process does not exist, contact Customer Support.

  6. Click OK.

Enable JSON to Query Data

If using JSON to interface with the API, it must be enabled. (It is disabled by default).

Complete installation before enabling JSON.

  1. Edit the web.config file and enter <add key="UseJSON" value="false"/>.

  2. Set the value to "true".

Verify the EMS SOAP API

  1. Open a browser and enter the following URL:

    http://[ServerName]/EMSAPI/Service.asmx (replace [ServerName] with the name of your web server)

    Your browser should return a list of API calls.

  1. To verify the EMS API version, view the About page:

    http://[ServerName]/EMSAPI/About.aspx (replace [ServerName] with the name of your web server)


(missing or bad snippet)