Get the Installation Files 

Get the following components from your EMS Professional Services contact:

  1. EMS License Key – The EMS – Cisco TMS Interface is an optional module that requires the appropriate EMS license to activate.

  2. CiscoTMSOverlay.sql – SQL script that will need to be executed against your EMS database. This will create EMS – Cisco TMS Interface specific objects (tables and stored procedures).

  3. UpdateBookingVCHostFlagFromCiscoTMSSettings.sql  (UPGRADES ONLY) – SQL script that will need to be executed against your EMS database. This will upgrade your EMS - Cisco TMS Interface specific objects (tables and stored procedures) to the current release.

  4. CiscoTMSServiceSetup.msi – Service responsible for pushing video conference (VC) bookings from EMS to the Cisco TMS Booking API at timed intervals.

  5. EMS.CiscoTMSActivity.dll – Custom Cisco TMS DLL that will display all EMS – Cisco TMS Interface activity within the EMS application including errors and successfully scheduled video conferences. The Cisco TMS Activity DLL also contains an area that allows EMS Administrators to configure various EMS – Cisco TMS Interface settings.


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